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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Hi. Hi, Ellen. Hi. Yes.

嗨 嗨 艾伦 嗨 你好

So not only did you make it to the premiere week, the premiere show?

你不光去了首映周 首映表演

Yes, I cannot believe this. Yes, yeah. This is so surreal.

对 我都不敢相信 嗯 是 这太难以置信了

Oh my gosh. I love you, Ellen. I love you too.

天哪 我爱你 艾伦 我也爱你

We all love you. We all love you. I love you too.

我们都爱你 我们都爱你 我也爱你们

You are amazing, Aisha. Thank you.

你太棒了 Aisha 谢谢

And so y'all have a ritual of watching the show.

你们都有一个仪式 就是一起看这个节目


Yes. Tell everybody how you watch it.

对 告诉大家你们是怎么看的

We tape it during the week. And we get together on the weekends.

工作日的时候我们会给它录音 然后周末的时候聚在一起

We go to each other's houses, depending on the weekend.

我们去彼此家里 看是哪一周

And we usually get together and we have our wine-- and cheese.

我们通常会聚在一起 喝着酒 吃着奶酪

--and our cheese and crackers. And we enjoy-- this woman is amazing, amazing.

奶酪和饼干 享受着 这位女子真的太棒了 太棒了

Oh my god, I love you so much. Thank you. Oh my gosh, yes.

天哪 我太爱你了 谢谢 天啊

Absolutely, absolutely. I'm more amazing on wine too.

肯定的 喝完酒的我更棒哦

So I recommend getting wine when you're going to watch me.


So you've been friends for 30 years? 30 plus. Over 30.

你们已经是30年的好朋友了 30多年 超过30年

That's amazing. 30 plus, yes.

太厉害了 30多年 对

And so what is amazing is that you live paycheck to paycheck and yet you make time to do for others.

很了不起的一点是 你们自己都入不敷出 但却总能抽出时间去帮助别人

You actually, you know, don't worry about yourselves.

其实 你们不担心自己

You worry about other people. Yes, that's so true. It's incredible. Yes. It's amazing.

反而去关心别人 对 就是这样 太棒了 嗯 很好

And you have a daughter? I do have a daughter. What is her name?

你有个女儿?是的 她叫什么

Her name is Kayante. Where is she right now?

Kayante 她在哪儿呢

She is-- I think she's at her dance recital. OK, all right.

在 应该是在独舞会上 好

I love surprising people. You know, we came to your door. Yes.

我喜欢给别人惊喜 我们去了你家 嗯

And then I had somebody come to my door to surprise you right now.


Really? Yeah. How amazing is your mom?

真的吗 对 你妈妈有多好?

My mom is literally one of the most genuine people I've ever met.


She's been my mom and my dad, both my mother and my father figure since I was-- my entire life.

她既当爹又当妈 从小到大她都扮演着爸爸和妈妈的双重角色

Yeah, she raised you all by herself. All by herself.

对 她一个人把我拉扯大的 一个人

She has literally always taught me to keep a positive mindset and be an optimistic and keep pushing no matter what.

她一直告诉我要积极乐观 不管发生什么 都要坚持向前

I literally don't know what I would do without her.

如果没有她 我都不知道该怎么办

Well-- you guys are going to make me cry. So here's the thing.

我都快要感动哭了 是这样

I love you so much. I think you're amazing.

我很喜欢你 我觉得你很了不起

And this is just, you know, this is the first day which is, you know, I'm back.


And I want to see you again. So what I want to do is I want to see y'all and I want to see y'all for 12 days.

我希望能再次见到你 所以我想再看到你们 看到你们所有人去12 days

We know a little bit about you. You put yourself through college.

我们对你有所了解 你自己付费上完了大学

You got your master's. Now you're going for your doctorate.

获得了硕士学位 现在正在读博

Yes, I am. And amazing, good for you. Single mom and going to school.

是的 很好 你很优秀 单身妈妈 还要去上学

And now you're a senior in college.


So obviously education is important to both of you.


Yes, very much so. So thanks to Walmart, you're getting $100,000.

是这样 感谢沃尔玛 你们将获得10万美元

What? What? What? Oh my god.


Oh my god. Are you serious? Are you serious? $100,000.

我的天 真的吗?你说真的吗?10万美元

All right, you can go to Ellen Tube to find out more about Walmart's commitment to education.

好 大家可以去艾伦频道 了解沃尔玛在教育上的更多贡献

重点单词   查看全部解释    
optimistic [.ɔpti'mistik]


adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

genuine ['dʒenjuin]


adj. 真正的,真实的,真诚的

recital [ri'saitl]


n. 背诵,吟诵,详述 n. 独奏会,独唱会

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

ritual ['ritjuəl]


n. 仪式,典礼,宗教仪式,固定程序

commitment [kə'mitmənt]


n. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行





