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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Have a seat. I feel the same way about you.

大家请坐 我也很喜欢你们

It is Earth Day today. And I want to do something to celebrate.

今天是地球日 我想做点事庆祝一下

So we can either play a game, or everyone in the audience can go home with a bucket of earthworms.

我们可以玩个游戏 或者所有观众带着一桶蚯蚓回家去

OK. Earthworms. It's earthworms.

好 蚯蚓 是蚯蚓

Come on, bring the earthworms out. Oh, earthworms.

快 把蚯蚓拿上来 哦 蚯蚓

No, it seems like I read it wrong.

不对 我好像念错了

I think they want to play the game. I'm so sorry.

我觉得大家还是想玩游戏 不好意思

I read that totally wrong.


We'll play a game. It's a special Earth Day edition of "Survey Says Whaaat?"

我们来玩游戏吧 这是地球日特辑 叫做“调查说什么??”

Survey says what? All right.


So tWitch and I have played this game before.


And we've surveyed the audience ahead of time.


We asked them questions.



And tWitch is going to guess how many people have done that thing.


And then I'm going to guess lower or higher.


And then we'll switch off. OK.

然后我俩再互换 好

So tWitch, how many people here-- because this is Earth Day.

推奇 有多少人 今天是地球日嘛

So the whole thing has to do with being natural and earthy.


So how many people here have done it outside? Wow.


Uh-- I'd say-- Ellen, I would say, tw-- ooh. 20 people here have done it outside.

额 我猜 艾伦 我猜有 哦 有20人干过这种事

20? 20. I'm going to-- well, one lady for sure has done it because--

20?20 我猜 有一名女士肯定干过 因为

you've done it several times obviously because you're like, that's all I do is outside, lady.

你肯定干过好几次 因为你就像在说 我在户外就只干这一件事 女士

All right. So just because of her, I'm going to say higher.

好 鉴于她的缘故 我猜人数会更多

I think it's more than 20 people.


You say higher? Let's see what it is.


Oh, my god. Wow. All right. Wow. OK.

哦我的天 哇 好 哇 好

Show of hands, how many people have done it outside?

举手 多少人在户外做过?

All right. Well, I know you have, lady.

好 我知道你做过 女士

This man in the blue shirt with a mustache.


No. On that row, Andy. Yes, you. Yeah. Uh-oh.

不对 那一排 安迪 对 你 嗯 啊噢

Hi. What's your name? Ken. All right, Ken.

嗨 你叫什么 Ken 好 Ken

So Ken, how many times have you done it outside?

Ken 你在户外做过多少次?

I'm too old to count that. I see. I see. All right.

我都老的记不清了 明白 明白 好

And I was much younger. You were much younger.

我干那事儿的时候还很年轻 那时候很年轻

It's been a little while? Mm, a little while.

是过了很久了吗?嗯 有段时间了

Yeah. A year? Maybe less. Wow.

嗯 一年了?可能还不到 哇哦

All right, Ken. Thank you, Ken. Have a seat. Get 'em, Ken.

好 Ken 谢谢你 Ken 请坐 上啊 Ken

All right. tWitch, how many people here have been so drunk that they slept outside?

好 推奇 有多少人曾经醉到睡在外面的?

Ha, well, I'm gonna say-- you know what, Ellen, I've been aiming a little low.

哈 我猜有 艾伦 我刚才说的太少了

I'm going to go high with this one. I'm gonna say 195 people.

这次要猜高一点 我猜有195人

I mean, we know that Ken has slept outside for sure.


Right, right. He may not remember it, but he did.

对 对 他可能已经忘记了 但他肯定睡过

I am going to say for sure lower than 195-- OK. --that got that drunk.

我觉得肯定低于195人 好 醉到过那种程度

All right. You might be right. OK. Yeah, yeah.

好 你可能猜对了 好 嗯 嗯

I was a hundred off. That's not-- yeah.

我猜多了100人 没有 对

Raise your hand if you got that drunk that you slept outside?

如果你曾经醉到睡在外面 请举手

Look at how proud you all are. Yeah.

瞧你们一个个的 多骄傲啊 嗯

Right next to you, Joel. Look at her. Oh.

你旁边 Joel 那位女士 哦

Hi. Hi. So how long ago was this? A few years ago. Few years ago? Yeah.

嗨 嗨 你是多久以前的事儿?几年前 几年前?对

What were you drinking? I don't remember.


You don't remember the alcohol you were drinking?


No. Wow. Yeah. And it was just a few years ago?

不记得了 哇 嗯 只是几年前的事吗?

Yeah. And where did you sleep? Where did you wake up?

对 你睡在了哪里?在哪儿醒过来的?

The sidewalk. Like, outside your house or near someone you know?

人行道上 是在你家门外还是你认识的人周围?

The bar. Whoa. So you made it outside the bar. Yeah.

酒吧外面 喔 所以你还撑着走出了酒吧 对

Night, night. I was kicked out of the bar. Oh, you were kicked out.

可以可以 我是被赶出酒吧的 哦 你被赶出来了

Yeah. Of course you were. Of course you were kicked out.

对 那是当然了 你当然会被赶出来

And then you just hunkered down.


You said, I'm going to-- Yeah, because my friends didn't want to go out with me.

你说 我要 嗯 因为我朋友们不想跟我一起走

Uh-huh. So I went alone. And then I kind of just fell asleep.

啊哈 所以我就自己出来了 然后就睡着了

And did you wake up in the middle of the night or the next morning?


No, my friends woke me up when they were leaving.

不是 我朋友们走的时候把我叫醒了

Oh, well, that's nice of them. They didn't leave you there.

哦 还不错啊 没有把你扔在那儿

They let you sleep, and then they woke you up when they were leaving.

他们让你睡在外面 然后走的时候叫醒了你

Yeah. That's great. Has that only happened once?

对 很好 那种经历只有一次吗?

Yes. All right. And they're liars. We're learning that about them.

对 好 他们都是骗子 我看出来这一点了

Let's add that to the list, tWitch. All right. Thank you. All right. OK.

记得把这一点加上 推奇 好 谢谢你 好 好

I've got one for you, Ellen.

我有个问题问你 艾伦

Ellen, how many people have been locked outside naked or in their underwear?

艾伦 有多少人赤裸着或只穿着内裤被锁在门外?

Mm, well I bet that happens a lot if you're going out to get the mail or the cat.

嗯 如果你出去拿邮件或者找猫的话 这种情况肯定经常发生

Locked outside? Locked outside naked or in their underwear.


Of their house? So it could be, like, in the hallway or something like that?

自家门外吗?所以说 可能是被锁在门厅外之类的

Mhm. I am going to say 58. 58? 58 people.

嗯 我猜有58人 58?58人

I'm gonna say lower. I'm gonna say lower. Lower?

我猜比这个低 我猜低一些 低一些吗?

Yeah. All right. Let's see.

对 好 来看一下

Oh, you were right. Not that many people. Yeah. Mm-mm.

哦 你对了 没有那么多人 嗯 嗯哼

Who was locked outside naked? Oof. Hi. Stand up.

谁裸着被锁在门外过?嗨 请起立

Yeah, stand up again. Oh, what's your name?

对 请再次起立 哦 你叫什么?

Amaline. Amaline? Yeah. OK.

Amaline Amaline 对 好

So tell us about this story. It's just, I was in college in the dorms.

跟我们讲讲你的故事 我那时候住大学宿舍

And I went to take a shower. And I thought I brought my key, but I didn't.

我去洗澡了 我以为带钥匙了 但其实没有

Uh-huh. And I called anyone that I knew.

啊哈 我给所有认识的人打了电话

And everyone was in class. So I had to--

但他们都在上课 所以我

Right. --go down in my towel to the lobby to ask for a spare key.

嗯 包着毛巾到楼下大厅去拿备用钥匙

Right. And there was, like, a really big group of sorority girls downstairs pledging.

嗯 当时有一大群女大学生联谊会的女生们在那儿宣誓

And just, like, every single time I went near that sorority group, I would just walk the other way.

后来 每次我靠近那群联谊会的人的时候 就会赶紧走开

Sure. Yeah. I can see why you started drinking.

自然 嗯 我明白你喝酒的原因了

That's traumatizing. That's horrible. All right.

心理有创伤了 太可怕了 好

Well, Amaline, thank you so much for sharing all of your information with us.

Amaline 谢谢你跟我们分享你的故事

重点单词   查看全部解释    
earthy ['ə:θi]


adj. 泥土的,粗俗的,朴实的,世俗的

bucket ['bʌkit]


n. 水桶
vt. 装在桶里

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

mustache [mə'stɑ:ʃ, 'mʌstæʃ]


n. 胡子,髭

sidewalk ['said.wɔ:k]


n. 人行道

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

switch [switʃ]


n. 开关,转换,鞭子
v. 转换,改变,交换


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