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In Vincenza, the Olympic Academy built the Teatro Olimpico which opened in 1585 and was designed by rock star architect Andrea Palladio.

在文森萨 奥林匹克学院建造了由摇滚明星建筑师安德里亚·帕拉迪奥设计并于1585年开放的奥林匹克大剧院
It's very busy and looks a lot like a Roman theater got shrunk and enclosed.
其内部十分拥挤 看着就像缩小版封闭版的罗马剧院
It wasn't used very much, but it influenced later theaters.
奥林匹克大剧院并没有被广泛使用 但它影响了后来的剧院
It's widened arch may have contributed to the proscenium arch which you'll recognize in most Broadway theaters today.
Arches or rectangles frame the stage from the audience's perspective.
In Renaissance Italy, How-to Books also circulated detailing effects to make gods and clouds rise above the stage or rocks and trees sink below it.
在文艺复兴时期的意大利 《操作手册》里还详细介绍了如何让神和云上升到舞台上方 或者让岩石和树木下沉到舞台下方
Ocean scenes were common as were fire effects and contraptions that mimicked the sound of wind and thunder.
海洋场景很常见 还有模仿风声雷声的火焰效果和奇特装置
No electricity for a while still, so candles and oil lamps lit the action which typically made the theater hot and hazy.
那时还没有电 所以都是用蜡烛和油灯来进行照明 剧院也因此又热又昏暗
All this was pretty cool, but not as cool as the Commedia Dell'arte, which means artful comedy or the comedy of players.
这些都超级酷 不过没有即兴喜剧酷 即兴喜剧就是精巧的喜剧或者演员们的喜剧
It's the earthier lustier counterpart to the Commedia Erudita and it has an even more dramatic special effect—women.
它是与博学戏剧相对应的一种更为粗俗、更具活力的戏剧形式 它还有一个更具戏剧性的特殊效果-女人
That's right. From 1560 on, women were finally allowed on stage in Italy.
没错 从1560年起意大利终于开始允许妇女登台表演
They won't show up on stage in England for another century. More on that later.
而英国妇女一个世纪后才拥有此项权利 之后会详细探讨
Scholars can't really agree on the origins of the Commedia Dell'arte.
But the most popular theory traces its lineage from our old lewd friend—the Atellan Farces.
但最普遍的说法是 即兴喜剧是我们淫荡的老朋友亚提拉闹剧的后代
These have been preserved by strolling minstrels and gestures during the Middle Ages.
Like the Atellan Farces, Commedia Dell'arte relies on stock characters and improvised situations that allow the actors to string together conveniently memorized lines in an array of pre-arranged comedic bits called Lazzi.
和亚提拉闹剧一样 即兴喜剧也依赖于定型角色和即兴创作的场景 以便让演员们可以在预先安排好的喜剧片段里将熟记的台词串在一起
Basically a lot so is a gag.


There are books listing hundreds of lotzie like Hat Lazzi, Food Lazzi and Pee Lazzi and just countless Lazzi involving butts.

有很多书上列举出了成百上千的喜剧片段 比如帽子喜剧片段、食物喜剧片段 还有数不清的有关屁股的喜剧片段
The mix of Lazzi and improvisation meant that while most stories progressed along the usual-flautist, tyrants, Menander like lines, an audience never knew exactly which Lazzi a stock character would throw into the mix, or how other stock characters would react.
喜剧片段和即兴创作的结合意味着 虽然大多的故事都是按照正常程序进行的-长笛手、暴君、米南德喜欢台词 但是观众们永远猜不到定型角色会在哪场喜剧片段里进入混战 或者猜不到其他的定型角色会使什么招数
Ah~that was a lot so of fear.
It was hilarious.
Stock characters were based on regional types, so each had a specific style dress, a specific accent, and even a specific food associated with them.
定型角色是基于地域划分的 所以每个角色都有特定风格的服装、特定的口音、甚至特定的食物
Each traveling troupe of eight to twelve actors had a slightly different mix of types, but here are some of the main ones: masters, servants and blowers.
每个巡回剧团有8到12名演员 每名演员都有着略微不同的混搭风格 但大体是这样:主人、仆人和吹风机设备
Let's see some more in the Thoughtbubble.
There are usually three masters: The Captain or Capitano—he's a Spanish military guy with a mask and a cape and a sword and a moustache.
主人通常有三种:船长 一名戴着面具、披着斗篷、手握长剑、留着胡子的西班牙军人
He's swaggering and bragging until he actually gets near a fight. And then he's a coward.
他正放肆地吹着牛 直到他真的要打架了 然后就怂了
Pantalone is a miserly merchant type from Venice who wears a red vest and a long coat plus a mask with a big nose and a gray beard.
潘塔洛内是来自威尼斯的吝啬的商人型 他穿着一件红色的内搭和一件长外套 外加一个大鼻子灰色大胡子面具
Even though he's old, he lusts after young women and the young women are not psyched about it.
虽然他年事已高 但依旧对年轻女性欲罢不能 而年轻女性对他毫不感冒
The Doctor or Il Dottore is surprised a doctor from Bologna, masked and dressed like an academic.
医生 是一名来自博洛尼亚的医生 他戴着面具 打扮得像名学者
The Doctor is a friend of Pantalone and he needs everyone to know how smart he is.
医生是潘塔洛内的朋友 他需要让全世界都知道他的聪明才智
So he uses a lot of Latin words and phrases.
Some of the grosser urine lazzi involve him and his wife is often cheating on him between the Latin and the urine.
一些恶心的撒尿喜剧片段里会出现他的身影 而且他的妻子经常在拉丁语和尿液之间欺骗他
I mean can you blame her?
And now, the Servants who are often called Zanni.
仆人 通常被叫做赞尼
They're mostly men, though some troupes had women who played maids.
他们大多是男性 虽然有些剧团里会让女性来演女佣
Harlequin or Arlecchino wears a green mask and a diamond suit.
丑角 戴绿色面具 穿钻石套装
He carries a wooden sword that he hits people with.
He's wily and acrobatic, but also kind of simple and the boy is hungry. He speaks in gibberish.
他老谋深算 像个杂技演员 但也很单纯 而且这个男孩很饥渴 总是胡言乱语
Pulcinello was a less defined type, but he's from Naples and dressed in a hunchback and a pointy hat.
普赤内洛是一个性格不太明确的人物类型 他来自那不勒斯 驼背 戴着尖顶帽子
There was another servant Brighella who was mean kind of a Lech, but he's really more of an 18th century figure.
还有一个叫布里吉拉的仆人 他很刻薄 有点像莱赫 但更像是18世纪的人物类型
Finally the Lovers. They are nice and fresh faced and clean-cut.
最后是情人 她们很美 面带稚气 优雅高尚
Sometimes they're a little stupid.
They don't wear masks.
They're kind of boring, still, it's their love often forded it gets the plot going.
她们有些无聊 但正是他们的爱情支撑着整个剧情的发展
Thank You thought-bubble.
We still have books of lazzi and even some Commedia Dell'arte scripts, though they're not that great.
还有一些有关喜剧片段甚至即兴喜剧的书籍 虽然写的不是特别好
Later dramatists like 18th century writer Carlo Goldoni wrote plays based on Commedia Dell'arte.
后来的剧作家 比如18世纪的剧作家哥尔多尼 会基于即兴喜剧来创作戏剧
So you can check out a work like The Servant of Two Masters if you're curious.
What we do know is these plays follow conventional narrative lines.
我们知道的是 这些戏剧都遵循传统的叙事路线
But what happens in the middle is fast and gross and apparently really really funny, because the genre lasts for centuries into today.
但是期间的剧情节奏很快 很粗俗 而且显然它非常非常地滑稽 因为这个流派延续了几个世纪直至今日
Ever heard of slapstick?
Yeah, that was a term for our Latinos, wooden sword, a slap, stick.
是的 这是拉丁美洲人的叫法 木剑、棍子、一个巴掌、棍子
Yeah, right slap oh come on. You're no fun.
是的 没错 巴掌 哦 好吧 你很无聊
So the next time you see some rude physical comedy, amaze and delight your friends by telling them that the wedgie they just saw derives from an Italian Renaissance form.
所以 如果下次看到某粗俗的肢体喜剧时 告诉你的朋友们他们刚刚看到的坡跟鞋是意大利文艺复兴时期的一种潮流 这会令他们感到惊讶和喜悦
And then hope that your friends still talk to you.
Don't avoid eye contact with me. Where are you going?
请直视我的眼睛 你要去哪里浪?
Next time we'll get serious sort of when we set sail for England and explore Elizabethan theatre before some bloke named Shakespeare shows up and hugs all the candle powered spotlights.
下集我们将起航去英国来认真探索伊丽莎白时代的戏剧 在那之后会出现一个令万众瞩目的叫莎士比亚的家伙
Until then, curtain!
下集见 闭幕!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hilarious [hi'lɛəriəs]


adj. 欢闹的,愉快的

cape [keip]


n. 岬,海角,披肩

miserly ['maizəli]


adj. 吝啬的;贪婪的

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

involve [in'vɔlv]


vt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉

counterpart ['kauntəpɑ:t]


n. 相似之物,副本,对应物

troupe [tru:p]


n. (演出的)一团,一班 vi. 巡回演出



adj. 被附上的;与世隔绝的 v. 附上(enclos

delight [di'lait]


n. 高兴,快乐
v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜

react [ri'ækt]


vt. 作出反应
vi. 起反应,起作用,反攻





