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But if she became a nun, she could determine her own intellectual life. And she did. Nice!

但是如果她成为一名修女 那她就可以自己决定自己的精神生活 所以说做就做 很棒!
During her lifetime one of her essays was published, though the bishop who published it also added a critique of it,
胡安娜一生中只被发表过一篇文章 虽然发表这篇文章的主教还在文章下加了批评语
saying that as a woman she was wrong to concern herself with worldly stuff like writing and philosophy.
说作为一个女人 她不该把注意力放在比如写作和哲学这种世俗的东西上
The bishop also wrote the critique under the pseudonym Sorfela Taya pretending to be another nun.
Sor Juana wrote a response to the response reply to a sister Sorfela Taya.
And it's here that we find most of her biographical information, but basically she writes: Heck, no Sorfela Taya.
这里我们可以找到她的大部分传记信息 但是说白了她的意思就是:见鬼 根本就没有索菲拉·塔亚这号人物
She quotes the mystic Saint Teresa who said: "one can perfectly well philosophize while cooking supper"
and wrote that if more women teach maybe young girls could learn without being harassed so much.
她还写道:如果能有更多的女性教师 或许年轻女孩就可以在不受骚扰的环境下学习了
The bishop censured her not using a pseudonym this time.
And later in her life she probably had to give up writing to avoid punishment.
在她之后的生活中 她大概不得不放弃写作来逃避惩罚
She died in 1695 when she caught the plague while caring for other afflicted nuns which is heartbreaking but also righteous as heck.
她死于1695年 当时她在照顾其他受苦的修女时感染了瘟疫 虽然让人心碎 但也是正义之举
Let's look at one of Sor Juana's plays—The Loa of the Divine Narcissus.
我们来看看索尔·胡安娜的一部戏剧 《对神圣那喀索斯的赞美》
The Loa, which comes from the Latin "laus" or "praise", began as a prologue at the beginning of a comedy that told the audience what the comedy would be about.
“Loa”这个单词来自拉丁语“laus”或者“praise(赞美)” 开头是喜剧的开场白 向观众介绍喜剧的内容
But eventually it evolved into a kind of short allegorical drama that emphasized Christian teachings and was typically associated with the Autos Sacramentales.
慢慢地变成一种简短的寓言剧 强调基督教的教义 通常和奥托斯圣礼相关
Lope, Calderon, Tirso de Molina and all of those Golden Age guys, they all wrote Loa. But Sor Juana's Loa does what Loas and Autos are supposed to do.
洛佩、卡尔德隆、蒂尔索德莫利纳 包括所有那些黄金时代的剧作家 都写过“赞美” 但是只有索尔·胡安娜的赞美和奥托斯做了洛瓦和奥托斯该做的事情
It celebrates humankind's Redemption via The Eucharist.
But as a Mexican woman of Spanish descent Juana's Loa also has a sneaky reverence for native cultural practices
但是作为一个有着西班牙血统的墨西哥女人 胡安娜笔下的“赞美”对当地的文化习俗也有着一种内在的崇敬
and might even function as a critique of doctrinaire colonial rule.
Speak truth to power, thought-bubble.
说出真相吧 思想泡泡


Axidant, a crowned Aztec dude enters, alongside America, a queenly Aztec woman.

奥克斯丹特 一个戴着头冠的阿兹特克人 旁边是“美洲” 一个高贵的阿兹特克女人
Axidant and America are Regal as heck. And the first words of the play acknowledged that:
“奥克斯丹特”和“美洲”都是王室 剧中第一句台词就说道:
"Oh, noble Mexicans, whose ancient ancestry comes forth from the clear light and brilliance of the Sun."
啊 高贵的墨西哥人啊 他们的祖先来自明亮的阳光和灿烂的太阳
The character of music tells them that since it's harvest time they must honor the Great God of the Sun and war quits....
通过剧中的音乐我们可以判断出 因为现在是收获季 所以他们必须拜伟大的太阳神 战争结束……
How do they honor him? By mixing seeds with human blood shaping it into a statue and then eating the statues.
他们是怎么拜神的呢 把种子和人的血液混在一起做成雕像 然后把雕像吃掉
Other figures enter, dressed in Poncho's and perform a taco team—kind of indigenous dance.
其他人物进场 披着斗篷 开始跳一种土著舞
Already the play acknowledges two cultures and two performance styles—European allegorical drama and Aztec dance.
该剧已经涵盖了两种文化和两种表演风格 即欧洲的寓言剧和阿兹堤克舞蹈
Now the Spaniards show up.
First, Religion appears as a Spanish woman and Zeal as a Spanish conquistador.
首先 “宗教”以西班牙女人的形象出场 “激情”以西班牙征服者的形象出场
Religion is freaked out by the whole human sacrifice thing, and Zeal is like: relax, I got a sword, it's taken care of.
“宗教”被活人祭祀吓坏了 而“激情”说道:放轻松 我带着剑呢 已经被打磨得蹭亮了
And Religion goes: Maybe we can try mercy before killing?
So Religion is like: Hey, Axidant and America maybe don't be heretics.
“宗教”是这么想的:嘿 “奥克斯丹特”和“美洲”可能是良民(异教徒)
And Axidant and America respond: Leave us alone. We are worshipping our God.
“奥克斯丹特”和“美洲”说道:滚开 别打扰我们 我们正在拜我们的神
So Zeal is like: Ok, back to plan: die, impudent America.
“激情”说:好吧 计划不变 去死吧 粗鲁的美洲
There's a huge battle and, yeah, no prize for guessing who wins, but Axidant and America are still defiant saying:
之后是激烈的斗争 而且 嗯 就算猜对谁赢了也没有奖励 但是“奥克斯丹特”和“美洲”依旧狂放地说道:
Yes, they're defeated, but they're gonna go on worshiping their God, their way.
对 我们是被打败了 但我们还是会继续拜我们的神 以我们的方式
And Religion is like: Look, your false god is just a huge theological misunderstanding of the true God.
“宗教”说:听着 你们的假神只是对真神的一个巨大的神学误解
So maybe we can all just get on the same page. We worship our God with bread and wine. So maybe it's not so different after all.
或许我们可以达成共识 我们用面包和酒敬来拜我们的神 说到底性质都是一样的
And Axidant and America are like: Huh, well argued. We'll adopt your God now. Let's all get baptized.
“奥克斯丹特”和“美洲”说:嗯啊 说得好 那我们就拜你们的神吧 让我们一起接受洗礼吧
Thank you thought bubble.
In the Loa of Divine Narcissus's exciting conclusion, Religion is like:
在《对神圣那喀索斯的赞美》那激动人心的结尾 “宗教”说道:
before we do the baptism, let's watch Auto to learn more about how great the Eucharist is.
在我们进行洗礼之前 让我们先来看一下奥托来了解一下圣餐是多么地伟大
We're gonna call this Auto Divine Narcissus, because in the narcissus myth narcissus and Auto both worship false idols. Get it?
我们应该称之为“奥托神圣那喀索斯” 因为在那喀索斯神话中那喀索斯和奥托都拜假神 懂了吗
And Zeal is all: religion, as a woman in Mexico, isn't it wrong that you're writing Auto sacramentalace to be performed in Spain?
“激情”说:“宗教” 你作为墨西哥居民 写奥托戏剧却在西班牙表演 这样是不是不太合适呢
And then Religion is like: It comes from my faith. So nope, we good. Lights down.
“宗教”说:这是我的信仰问题 所以 嗯 很合适 灯灭
In the end, Christianity takes the win. the Aztecs are successfully converted.
最终 基督教取得了胜利 阿兹特克人成功皈依了
But here's the thing. Axidant and America aren't portrayed as savages.
And even though their ritual is definitely stomach-churning unless you're a vampire who also is into whole grains.
即使他们的仪式十分令人反胃 除非你是一个喜欢全麦的吸血鬼
It isn't represented as violent or grotesque, as the character Religion makes it clear:
该剧的表现形式并不暴力或者怪诞 正如“宗教”所说:
it sounds a lot like the Eucharist if the blood of Christ thing wasn't at least partially symbolic.
听起来很像圣餐 如果基督的血不具某种象征意义的话
By incorporating indigenous forms of performance and treating Native characters with dignity,
the Loa both emphasizes Christian teachings and critiques the forced conversion of native peoples, favoring a gentler and more respectful approach.
“赞美”既强调基督教教义 也批评了土著民族的强迫皈依 它更倾向于一种更温和、更尊敬的方式
It also includes a shout-out to Greek myth—an implicit acknowledgement of yet another faith tradition.
它还表达了对希腊神话的呐喊 含蓄地接纳了另外一种信仰传统
Guess what else Sor Juana does?
By including the Tocotin and indigenous dance—performed using traditional music and costumes,
she allows that performance style to continue on as even other Christians were busy stamping it out, which is a classy bit of subversion.
她延续了这种表演风格 即使其他的基督教徒都在忙着消除它 这是一种经典的颠覆
So thanks for Juana. No wonder you made it onto the peso.
谢谢胡安娜 难怪你把它印到比索上了
Thanks for watching. Next time I get your exaggerated eye makeup ready, because we are heading over to Japan for kabuki,
谢谢观看 下集记得把夸张的眼妆化好 因为下集我们要去日本看歌舞伎
a wild hilarious counterculture performance style which is pretty much the closest that a repressive 18th century society gets to punk rock.
一种狂野滑稽的反主流文化表演风格 几乎是在18世纪压抑的社会下最接近朋克摇滚的一种风格
But until then, Curtain!
下集见 闭幕

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pseudonym ['sju:dənim]


n. 假名,笔名

myth [miθ]


n. 神话

response [ri'spɔns]


n. 回答,响应,反应,答复
n. [宗

worship ['wə:ʃip]


n. 崇拜,爱慕,做礼拜
vi. 做礼拜

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən]


n. 结论

righteous ['raitʃəs]


adj. 公正的,公义的,当然的

reverence ['revərəns]


n. 敬畏,尊敬,尊严 v. 尊敬,敬畏,崇敬 Reve

exaggerated [ig'zædʒəreitid]


adj. 言过其辞的,夸大的 动词exaggerate的

intellectual [.intil'ektʃuəl]


n. 知识份子,凭理智做事者
adj. 智力的





