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第53期 这就是生活

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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声音简介:最近又重温了电影《爱在午夜降临前》Before Midnight. 相信很多小伙伴都看过了这经典的爱在系列三部曲,第一部是《爱在黎明破晓前》Before Sunrise,第二部是《爱在日落黄昏时》Before Sunset。

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Many of you may not know that actually the first movie Before Sunrise is based on the director's true experience. In 1989, Director Richard Linklater met Amy Lehrhaup when he was visiting his sister in Philadelphia. They spent a night together that he never forgot. And since then, their encounter inspired Richard to conceive and direct Before Sunrise.

Richard says he wanted to make a film about the feeling between them.

But unfortunately, by the time that movie came out, Amy was dead.

Unlike the first two films which are all about romance, the third film is about the main characters' real life after getting married and having children. So it has been nine years after Jesse and Celine, the French-American couple met on a train in Vienna. They now live in Paris and have their twin daughters.

If you may recall, when Celine and Jesse first met back in 1995, they were in their 20s.

And then nine years later, in 2004, they teamed up again for Before Sunset. That time, they were in their 30s and were more worried about careers and the future.

Now in the third movie Before Midnight, they're in their 40s.

Director Richard says, "It's age appropriate for where they find themselves in life. In the first movie, they're unattached, and you see how easily they can get off a train. Now you see how difficult it is to manoeuvre through life with one other person. It's tough."

They argue about many little things in Before Midnight, such as where to live, who should sacrifice for their long-distance relationship, and whether they've cheated on each other, etc.

In the final scene, in order to make Celine happy, Jesse pretended that he traveled all the way from the future through the time machine.

Dear Celiene, this young man, yes, young, and he will be your escort. God knows he has many problems, and he's struggled his whole life connecting and being presence with those he loves the most. And for that, he's deeply sorry. But you are his only hope.

You're just like the little girls and everybody else. You wanna live inside some fairy tale. I'm just trying to make things better here. I tell you that I love you unconditionally, I tell you that you're beautiful...I'm trying to make you laugh.

If you want true love, then this is it. This is real life. It's not perfect, but it's real.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
conceive [kən'si:v]


v. 设想,构思,怀孕

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

sacrifice ['sækrifais]


n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品
vt. 牺牲,祭祀,贱

appropriate [ə'prəupriət]


adj. 适当的,相称的
vt. 拨出(款项)

inspired [in'spaiəd]


adj. 有创见的,有灵感的

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景


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