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That Girl




还真有,今天的 Buzzword 就让我们来聊聊x音x书上爆火的#ThatGirl 现象。

"That girl" is a viral phenomenon that's been doing the rounds on TikTok, its popularity have spilt over into the YouTube ecosystem.

thatgirl 最早是在TikTok 火起来的,最后竟形成了一种“网络现象”。

对于不清楚它含义的人来说,“that girl”不是指代某一个人,而是追求健康,努力追求成为【最好的自己】的一类girl.

That Girl

"That girl" is essentially a viral wellness trend that encourages those taking it on to embrace the best version of themselves. In short, ‘to level up one’s life”.


Word Origins

早在2021年4月,以"to become that girl"的口号鼓励观众“成为那个女孩”开始火起来。

跟着,这一潮流也在YouTube的 lifestyle community 流行起来,各大Up主们纷纷上传《指导方针》为身体力行“that girl”添砖加瓦。

“That girl”is a vaguely wellness-y archetype that’s risen in popularity on TikTok since April 2021.

Wellness这个词蛮难翻译的, a combination of your physical, mental, and spiritual health, 基本可以把它理解为你的身心灵都全面健康.

Videos with the hashtag #thatgirl had billions of views; many of these encourage the viewer to “become that girl”.

Over the summer, the trend has also caught on in YouTube’s lifestyle community, with different creators testing the trend or uploading how-to guides.


她不仅效率惊人, 事业有成, 永远的保持着最佳状态;

同时护肤冥想一样也没落下, 还有时间把自己所有的这些完美瞬间都拍成照片或者视频分享在社交媒体上...

“That girl”wakes up really early in the morning;

And then she journals her thoughts in a neatly section day planner;

She chants affirmations, perhaps saying to herself in the mirror you are the best;

She works out in cute coordinated outfits;

After working out she gulps some green juices which is really good for your system;

She is productive, professionally successful, and somehow still finds time for skin care, meditation, and all the time taking perfect photos of all of the evolve for social media.


People who enjoyed it

This all sounds a little bit exhausting to me, but there are many people who enjoyed the “that girl” trend, especially young women.

For example Hollie, an 18-year-old lifestyle YouTuber based in the UK, feels like the trend is about finding joy within the small moments找到生活的小确幸;

whilst also establishing daily habits and routines that allow you to be healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually.

她就认为that girl的风潮确实可以激励你去追求身、心、灵的全面健康.

She said “I think if you focus on the feelings you get from following this trend, and how engaging in these habits can improve your overall well-being, then it can actually be very helpful and motivating”.

Another young video creator who also became “that girl” last year, she calls the trend more of a “highlight reel” .

另外一位也跟风拍了视频的女孩就认为that girl的这种视频其实更像一个highlight reel, 高光时刻的集锦.

But by going that little extra step, like wearing cute workout clothes instead of working out in pajamas, helps her to romanticize her life and enjoy it just a bit more.

但她也觉得说这些更仪式化的, 比如说穿上美美的健身服去健身, 让她可以把自己的生活过得浪漫一点点, to romanticize her life a little.


Came with the criticism

但随着“那个女孩”的风潮愈演愈烈, 就有不少人开始质疑风潮, 认为它虽说是打着empowering woman赋能女性、健康生活的旗号, 但实际上反而带来了更多的压力.

有心理医生就认为这里面的问题是, 其实很多人拍出来的视频是经过精心修图/编辑之后的完美状态, 完全不能反映实际生活.

看到别的女生这种所谓自律完美的生活的时候, 就会对自己生出很多不满, 认为自己也必须得像她们一样.

But then as this trend grew more and more popular, there came the criticism.

Although the original idea of the “that girl trend” is to encourage others to become the best versions of themselves;

some experts argue that rather than empowering women to eat well and stay active, the trend could be doing the opposite.

Some psychiatrists are saying people usually aren't just posting random representative snapshots of their day-to-day life, but rather carefully curated videos.

And when you're constantly looking at these perfect women showing their perfect life moments, you may think if that's what everyone else is doing, I should be doing the same.

A 22-year-old model from Vancouver, she said,

“the thing about that girl videos is that young women are no longer just sharing their personal routines but instead aspiring to an idealized version of what a perfect woman does”.

她就认为网络上的这些that girl, 实际上是对于一个完美女性的过度理想化的版本.

If you keep watching these videos on social media, you would actually feel more insecure, which might even lead to mental illness.

She said, after all, if you're going to be on social media, you have to be very sensitive of which accounts you follow and how they make you feel.

Another criticism about that girl videos is that whenever you see this type of videos on social media, you will find certain pattern which is often linked to a specific socioeconomic background.

对于that girl风潮的另外一个争议, 就是认为这些看起来有点千篇一律的视频里, 你总能看到一些符号化的东西.

比如只要谈到健康饮食, 就一定是牛油果吐司或者是燕麦奶之类的, 这些更容易会跟中产/上中产联系在一起的符号.

The healthy eating aspect of being “that girl” is often exemplified by avocado toasts or lattes made with nondairy milk--

foods that are synonymous with the more privileged group, which is really going against the original meaning of this trend of bettering yourself.

Example 1:

-While it has been marketed as aspirational ‘self-care’, the ‘That Girl’ trend can be toxic to your actual wellbeing.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
phenomenon [fi'nɔminən]


n. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

embrace [im'breis]


v. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉
n. 拥抱

meditation [.medi'teiʃən]


n. 沉思,冥想

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

trend [trend]


n. 趋势,倾向,方位
vi. 倾向,转向

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

toxic ['tɔksik]


adj. 有毒的
n. 有毒物质

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

sensitive ['sensitiv]


adj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的





