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第1465期: 越早知道越好的生活小道理

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, I found another ______ and am pretty ______. Would you like me to share?

Mark: If you're excited about it, I'm likely to ______ the next few minutes. Tell me the topic and how many ______.

Jingjing: Here's the title:______.

Mark: That's a great start. I often think about what I'd go back in time to ______—or, if I saw a time machine land and my______ from clouds of dry ice...

Jingjing: That sounds a bit ______ than what's ______this article.

Mark: _______. Hit me with the first ______then.

Jingjing: One: you are ______.

Mark: That's_______, because I don't _______.

Jingjing: Yeah, but when you ______, didn't you ______ about your GPA?

Mark: Close to graduation, I kinda wished______ so that it'd ______.

Jingjing: Going ahead to number 2, then: ______.

Mark: True, that. I wish someone had ______about compound interest when I was a teen. People told me enough, but just didn't ______ for me.

Jingjing: Imagine how much______ now, right. Shall I _____?

Mark: To the third point? Yeah,______

Jingjing: Time is _____, and needs to______.

Mark: That can't be ______. Does the article give any special insight?

Jingjing: Actually, yes: Don't ______ people who dismiss you. That's what ______.

Mark: That's a pretty concise and ______. Thanks for sharing, Jingjing.

Jingjing: Should I______ until you come back with coffee?

Mark: Nah, I think you should tell me _______. You've ______.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, point number 4 sounds ______, but can be ______: boundaries.

Mark: Is that ______, like what times of day you ______?

Jingjing: That's right. The article says you should tell people ______.

Mark: I bet that's______ waiting for people to ______.

Jingjing: Here comes number 5: ______.

Mark: I like that metaphor, even though it promptly_______ a cliché gutter the way lots of folks ______. What does the article say?

Jingjing: I like what the article______. Young children ______, which help them a lot.

Mark: But when we all ______?

Jingjing: Then we all make our own lines, which often_______. If we're unhappy, we could even ______, rather than remaining in______.

Mark: That's pretty profound. I'll have to______.

Jingjing: Number six is about getting people's _______ from ______.

Mark: Everyone could do that better, ______. What's number seven?

Jingjing: ______.

Mark: How does that ______?

Jingjing: The article got into what it takes to______ or another major project. Even the best ideas will ______. So ______ and patience in the face of delay...

Mark: Those are ______. Got it. And number 8?

Jingjing: ______.

Mark: Just like my mom ______.

Jingjing: That's just what the article said. We need to hear it as ______. Kids and _____ hear it too much and ______.

Mark: But we _______ in offices and then try to______ at home, right?

Jingjing: That's exactly right. Going to see______, in her office, a few times a week can do a lot for our______.

Mark: Alright, Jingjing. Thanks for all ______. That's ______; and I'm glad you ______.

new words and phrases

<be> fired up <about something>:

a bullet point:

get worked up <about something>:

peak <someone's> curiosity:

do something at random:

Mother Nature:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

concise [kən'sais]


adj. 简明的,简要的

compound ['kɔmpaund]


n. 混合物,复合词
n. 院子(用围墙圈起来

patience ['peiʃəns]


n. 耐心,忍耐,毅力
n. 单人玩的牌

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

profound [prə'faund]


adj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的

dismiss [dis'mis]


vt. 解散,开除,逃避,(法律)驳回

insight ['insait]


n. 洞察力

metaphor ['metəfə]


n. 隐喻,暗喻





