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Buzzword Mix-Hustle Culture

You may not have heard of this word before, but you have definitely experienced Hustle Culture.

Hustle culture describes a common, modern workplace environment that emphasizes hard work and long hours as the key to success.


这个Hustle culture就是指的这么一种现代的职场文化, 它的重点就是hard work and long hours,要取得成功, 你就必须要拼命的工作, 用高强度不断加班这样子的去“卷”才能够获取成功.

Hustle culture可以翻译成“搏命文化”, “鸡血文化”或者你直接就说卷的文化.

It's become increasingly popular in recent years.

With many companies encouraging their employees to put in extra effort and work hours for better results.

其实这个Hustle Culture还真不是只有咱们这儿有, 要不然英语里也不会出现这个词了.

Let's dive into the word a little bit more, what exactly is this Hustle Culture?

This hustle culture places an intense focus on productivity, ambition, and success.

它所关注的重点就是生产力, 野心和成功。

With little regard for rest, self-care, or any sense of work-life balance.

至于什么休息, 自我关怀或者什么所谓的工作生活的平衡, 统统都不在意。

Now this lifestyle has become increasingly popular in recent years as people strive to achieve their professional goals faster and more efficiently.

Despite its popularity though, this mindset has been linked to mental health concerns, like increased anxiety, stress and depression, which we're gonna talk about later.

01 Why is hustle culture glorified if it has so many problems?

既然它听起来就有很多问题, 那么为什么它会被吹捧呢?

The hustle culture concept has been glamorized or glorified by entrepreneurs who are seen as successful because they put in long hours without taking time off for themselves or their families.


Think about the role models, them talking about their success stories and saying that how hard they have worked.

These individuals are often held up as role models for aspiring business owners who may not realize how damaging it can be to prioritize work over everything else in their life.

而这种hustle culture就从企业家创业的圈子就逐渐卷到了普通的打工人, 至于社交媒体就让这个问题进一步的加剧了.

Things like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook have made it easy for influencers and celebrities to share images of themselves working late into the night, glorifying and perpetuating a dangerous mindset among young generations who look up to them for inspiration.

比如这些influencers, celebrities, 这些网红明星明明已经很优秀了, 还在超级努力的卷, 而他们分享在社交媒体上这些卷的视频就让你觉得他都这样了, 还卷?! 我能停下来吗?

And that is the dangerous mindset behind hustle culture.

02 Examples of hustle culture

Now all of that might still sound a bit abstract. Let me give you a few specific examples of hustle culture in the workplace.

One example of toxic hustle culture in the workplace is employers expecting employees to stay late or come to work early.

In some companies, it has even reached the extent that you actually feel guilty for getting off work on time.

Another example is managers prioritizing quantity over quality.

只重量不重质. So as long as you work hard, they don't care if you work smart.

Finally, some companies may encourage unhealthy competition among colleagues by rewarding those who outperform, instead of focusing on collaboration, teamwork, support.

但有的公司它不注重团队文化, 不鼓励员工合作, 而希望员工之间互相内斗竞争, 这个就是妥妥的卷了.

It basically is a rat race.

As you can imagine, there are many negative impacts of hustle culture on mental health. It encourages an all or nothing mentality that can lead to stress and anxiety at work when professional goals are not met or deadlines are missed.

比如说这种永远都在奋斗, 永远都在赶“死线”的焦虑.

People who subscribe to a toxic hustle culture might feel guilty if they take time off or relax.

严重一点的, 你甚至只要休息或者要请假, 都会觉得非常的罪恶.

When someone constantly strives for more without any respite, Suddenly, nothing seems good enough or rewarding. This cold apathetic attitude towards life will only damage mental health in the long run.

卷着卷着你可能就会发现自己都不知道在卷些什么, 整个人会变得非常麻木, 非常冷漠.

On Top of that, there is the concept of toxic productivity.

Remember I said hustle culture focuses on productivity, but the actual fact is hustle culture, a lot of the times, does not lead to increased productivity.

Instead, it leads to something called toxic productivity.

This refers to the belief that one must constantly be productive to succeed, and this can lead to burnout and physical and mental exhaustion.

这种对于生产力的疯狂的追求其实是有毒的, toxic productivity. And this can negatively affect your well-being in the long run.

03 How do we break free from

Hustle Culture?

So having said all of that, how do we break free from hustle culture?

之前我们就曾讲到过说现在很多年轻人都quite quitting, 直接职场躺平了.

But even if you don't do that, there are a few things you can do.

01 Set boundaries

This means setting limits on the time you spend working or engaging in work-related activities outside normal business hours.

I think this is something I personally really need to learn.

02 Take breaks

Schedule short breaks during your day where you step away from your desk, go for a walk, listen to music, or do something else that brings joy into your life.

03 Prioritize self care

Make sure each day includes at least one activity dedicated solely to taking care of yourself.

Reading a book, journaling for mental health, running, practicing yoga and meditation, or spending time with friends are good options.

Basically have a little bit of me time

04 Be kind to yourself

Don't beat yourself up if things don't go according to plan. Instead, focus on what went well during the day and celebrate even small accomplishments, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

Now there is nothing wrong to have ambition, to want to succeed in life.

Perhaps we all have to keep in mind that this journey to success is a marathon, not a sprint.

Now let's move on to the sample sentence:


Sample Sentence:

-Hustle culture centers around the idea that working long hours and sacrificing self-care are required in order to succeed.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
strive [straiv]


vi. 奋斗,努力,力求

guilty ['gilti]


adj. 有罪的,内疚的

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

sample ['sæmpl]


n. 样品,样本
vt. 采样,取样

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

productivity [.prɔdʌk'tiviti]


n. 生产率,生产能力

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,





