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时间:2010-1-7 9:46:16  来源:CCTV9  作者:sunny   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

中新网1月6日电 综合消息,目前,华北地区降雪已基本停止,强冷空气向南方转移。今天14时,华南东部及南部、福建西部的24小时降温幅度达8~10℃,江西南部及广西南部局地降温幅度达10~12℃。


Southern China confronts icy weather

After taking a swipe at Northern China, the cold front has reached into the south. Wuhan, one of the busiest municipal hubs connecting the north and south of the country, has seen traffic snarled by heavy snowfall. Now, fuel supplies are also running short.

By 5:30 pm on Tuesday, Wuhan was covered by 20 centimeters of snow.

At the half-century-old Wuhan Yangtze River Highway-Railway Bridge, traffic began flowing at glacial speed. Some bus passengers were stranded on the Yangtze River bridge for more than two hours.

I've been stuck on the bus for 2 hours after 8 hours of work. I'm hungry and my kids are alone at home. What can I do?

With vehicles barely crawling, some anxious passengers got off the bus and and made better time walking.

"The cars are moving really slowly, walking is faster than driving now."

At Jiujiang, a city farther down stream, drivers were much luckier. The local authorities removed the snow from the bridge to make sure everyone enjoyed a smooth crossing.

To counter power shortages caused by the cold snap, local authorities in southern China decided to cut industrial power supplies and cap civilian use. Coal producing and transporting companies were also asked to maximize their output to meet increasing demand.


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