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时间:2010-1-7 15:27:28  来源:CCTV9  作者:sunny   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


Tiger stamps released

China Post has unveiled the first "Tiger Stamp" to mark the coming of 2010's new zodiac animal. Meanwhile, the China National Philatelic Corporation has issued its own Tiger Gold Stamp.

The stamp for 2010, the year of the Tiger in China's lunar calendar, has been launched for public sales nationwide. Designers with Tsinghua University put the animal along with a traditional red Chinese character that means "luck" on the stamp. It symbolizes luck and happiness that the tiger will bring to people in the approaching lunar new year.

The tiger is the third of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals. Chinese believe the king of the jungle is vigorous and will bring peace. The animal is also the traditional guardian of wealth.

China released the first zodiac stamp in 1980, the year of the Monkey. It then became a tradition of commemorating each new year with a special issue stamp.

The tradition went a step further this year, as a gold issue of the "Tiger Stamp" was released by the China National Philatelic Corporation. It has the same design and size as the paper version.

According to the corporation, from this year on the gold and paper stamp issues will hit the market together on the same day.


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