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全球同冷暖 英国遭遇百年一遇强降雪
时间:2010-1-7 9:54:28  来源:CCTV9  作者:sunny   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


Heavy snowfall across UK

Heavy snowfall continues to cause headaches for many commuters across the United Kingdom, closing airports and motorways, and forcing hundreds of schools to remain closed.

Gatwick, Luton, Birmingham and Southampton airports were shut overnight as heavy snow and freezing temperatures grounded flights.

Delays and cancellations hit many other international airports, including London's Heathrow.

As snow clogged roads and hit transport services, people were advised to travel only if their journeys were essential, or with skis.

Jane, doctor, said, "Easier than everyone else's. Saw a lot of people pushing bikes, a lot of cars stuck, I'm glad I'm on my skis."

"Yes, I am a doctor in a hospital, so doing my best to get there." Jane answered our reporter's question.

On Tuesday, a driver was killed when two trucks collided on a motorway near Manchester in northwest England, and 15-thousand incidents across the country were reported.

People were working round the clock to ease the chaos the bad weather had brought.

Dr. James Leggate, Spokesperson of Salford Royal Infirmary, said, "Normal day to day services are having to be curtailed, and we are delivering the urgent and emergency care which is obviously the priority in this particular weather time."

Up to 40 centimeters of snow fell in parts of the country as the bad weather headed south from Scotland.

Britain's weather service said unusually heavy snow was expected in the south on Wednesday, although the UK's capital London was largely expected to be spared from the worst weather.


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