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大雪横扫欧洲 多国交通瘫痪
时间:2010-1-8 15:59:24  来源:CCTV9  作者:sunny   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


Snow, icy weather set Europe shivering

Blustery winter weather has been frustrating transportation flow in Europe. Temperatures dropped dramatically overnight, turning stretches of wet snow into dangerous sheets of ice.

Huge swaths of Germany are blanketed by fallen flakes. Thermometer readings as low as minus-20 degrees Celsius, and more heavy snowfall, are still expected over the next few nights. Skiers, however, are enjoying nothing but fun on the powder packed Harz Mountains.

Meanwhile, mercury levels in Norway's mountainous central region have plummeted to minus-42 degrees Celsius. The deep freeze is rendering conventional liquid de-icers ineffective. Snow in northern Denmark also buffeted road, rail, and air traffic. In France and Switzerland, though, the weather is more moderate.



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