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GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第164期

来源:可可英语 编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Some modern anthropologists hold that biological evolution has shaped not only human morphology but also human behavior. The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of human behavior but one of imposing constraints—ways of feeling, thinking, and acting that "come naturally" in archetypal situations in any culture. Our "frailties" –emotions and motives such as rage, fear, greed,gluttony, joy, lust, love—may be a very mixed assortment, but they share at least one immediate quality: we are, as we say, "in the grip" of them. And thus they give us our sense of constraints. Unhappily, some of those frailties—our need for ever-increasing security among them—are presently maladaptive. Yet beneath the overlay of cultural detail, they, too, are said to be biological in direction, and therefore as natural to us as are our appendixes. We would need to comprehend thoroughly their adaptive origins in order to understand how badly they guide us now. And we might then begin to resist their pressure.

The primary purpose of the passage is to present
A.a position on the foundations of human behavior and on what those foundations imply
B.a theory outlining the parallel development of human morphology and of human behavior
C.a diagnostic test for separating biologically determined behavior patterns from culture-specific detail
D.a practical method for resisting the pressures of biologically determined drives overview of those human emotions and motives that impose constraints on human behavior

The author implies that control to any extent over the "frailties" that constrain our behavior is thought to presuppose
A.that those frailties are recognized as currently beneficial and adaptive
B.that there is little or no overlay of cultural detail that masks their true nature
C.that there are cultures in which those frailties do not "come naturally" and from which such control can be learned
D.a full understanding of why those frailties evolved and of how they function now
E.a thorough grasp of the principle that cultural detail in human behavior can differ arbitrarily from society to society

Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the "details" versus "constraints" distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?
A.The ability of most people to see all the colors of the visible spectrum as against most people's inability to name any but the primary colors
B.The ability of even the least fortunate people to show compassion as against people's inability to mask their feelings completely
C.The ability of some people to dive to great depths as against most people's inability to swim long distances
D.The psychological profile of those people who are able to delay gratification as against people's inability to control their lives completely
E.The greater lung capacity of mountain peoples that helps them live in oxygen-poor air as against people's inability to fly without special apparatus

It can be inferred that in his discussion of maladaptive frailties the author assumes that
A.evolution does not favor the emergence of adaptive characteristics over the emergence of maladaptive ones
B.any structure or behavior not positively adaptive is regarded as transitory in evolutionary theory
C.maladaptive characteristics, once fixed, make the emergence of other maladaptive characteristics more likely
D.the designation of a characteristic as being maladaptive must always remain highly tentative
E.changes in the total human environment can outpace evolutionary change

重点单词   查看全部解释    
acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

transitory ['trænsitəri]


adj. 暂时的,瞬息的,短暂的,片刻的

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

comprehend [.kɔmpri'hend]


vt. 充分理解,包括

adaptive [ə'dæptiv]


adj. 适合的,适应的,能适应的

resist [ri'zist]


v. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住
n. 防蚀涂层

fortunate ['fɔ:tʃənit]


adj. 幸运的,侥幸的

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒





