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CNN 新闻在线听附重点讲解(2009-4-21)
时间:2009-4-21 9:05:54  来源:可可英语  作者:memeyyr   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:英文原文
第 2 页:中文译文
第 3 页:词汇讲解
第 4 页:语法讲解1
第 5 页:语法讲解2

All right, an update on our top stories right now.

President Obama is at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad. He shook hands with the long-time US foe Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. The Venezuelan leader said he wants to be a friend but he gave Mr. Obama a book that accuses the US of actually exploiting Latin America.

North Korea meantime is still defiant over its April 5th rocket launch. In a television broadcast today, North Korea warns the outside world that any sanctions or pressure will be a declaration of war.

We are following a developing story as well out of central Maryland, near Frederick actually, police are investigating the deaths of five people found in a house in Middletown. The bodies of the victims, new images right now believed to be a man, a woman, and three children were discovered this morning. Police have not revealed if there were any signs of violence in the home. We will bring you more details as they become available, but the entire town there shocked at what has taken place.

An American journalist gets an eight-year prison sentence on spying charges in Iran; it is drawing immediate denunciations here in the United States. Roxanna Saberi was put on trial this week in Teheran. Saberi is an Iranian-American actually born in North Dakota. She is a freelance for National Public Radio and other news organizations and she was writing a book about Iranian culture while doing some of her research in Tehran. Her father and her defense attorney say they will keep working for her freedom.

Not only coerced, but also deceived. She was deceived to talk; they told her that if she says like this they would free her. And then they didn't free her. Later she found out that it was a, it was a trick.

The US calls the espionage charges baseless and is demanding Saberi's release.

The power is still out at thousands of homes and businesses in Colorado after a major spring snowstorm. An 80-mile stretch of Interstate 80 has just been reopened but the road is still slow and very sloppy.

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