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Part V Cloze (15 minutes)
  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.
  The human race is using up the Earth’s resources faster than ever before, according to a new report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). “Environmental devastation is not simply a waste of 67 , it is a threat to the complex structures that 68 human development,” says the report. 69 attention must be paid to find a(n) 70 between human and environmental needs, it says.
  The report, State of the World Population 2001, says that water supplies and agricultural lands are coming 71 such increasing pressure that, if left 72 , our planet will not be able to support us in future years. Over the past 70 years, the world’s population has tripled to 6.1 billion people, 73 water-use increasing sixfold, says the report. Already 508 million people live in 31 countries that lack water. And the problem is likely to 74 as the global population is 75 to rise to eight billion by 2025.
  By 2050, predicts the report, 4.2 billion people will be living in countries that cannot meet people’s daily 76 needs. Unclean water and poor sanitation already kills over 12 million people every year. Food production is also 77 by environmental problems, says the report.
  “To 78 the futur e popul a t ion and improve their diets, the world will have to double food production,” it says. “But since available cropland is 79 , most production will have to come from higher 80 rather than new 81 .”
  According to the report, global poverty cannot be 82 with out 83 the environmental damage caused by these increases in consumption and population 84 .To reduce the burden on the planet, the report suggests, all efforts should be 85 to improve education and healthcare, as this would 86 reduce population growth.
  67. A) facilities C) reserves
  B) resources D) sources
  68. A) support C) retain
  B) found D) advocate
  69. A) Intensive C) Emergent
  B) Intense D Urgent.
  70. A) equation C) balance
  B) tradeoff D) core
  71. A) under C) below
  B) into D) beyond
  72. A) unnoticed C) alone
  B) behind D) unchecked
  73. A) in C) by
  B) with D) above
  74. A) enhance C) decline
  B) heighten D) worsen
  75. A) projected C) intended
  B) speculated D) assessed
  76. A) luxurious C) intrinsic
  B) utmost D) basic
  77. A) affected C) reflected
  B) effected D) generated
  78. A) contain C) furnish
  B) lodge D) accommodate
  79. A) shrinking C) contracting
  B) diminishing D) waning
  80. A) outputs C) yields
  B) turnovers D) harvests
  81. A) cultivation C) farming
  B) production D) plowing
  82. A) lightened C) elevated
  B) released D) eased
  83. A) reversing C) upsetting
  B) inverting D) disregarding
  84. A) standards C) norms
  B) indexes D) levels
  85. A) tried C) done
  B) taken D) made
  86. A) in effect C) in part
  B) in turn D) by turns
  Part VI Translation (5 minutes)
  Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.
  Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.
  注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2 上作答,只需写出译文部分。
  87. When asked about the key to her success, Rowling told the journalist that her parents had played
  an important role by _________________________( 使她在很小的年纪就接触文学).
  88. While many people know that money is not the important thing in the world, I suspect
  _________________( 并不是每个人都能抵制住追求金钱的诱惑).
  89. _________________________________________(只是最近我才意识到)that language is
  closely related to culture.
  89. It’s time that _________(对市中心的交通问题采取措施).
  91. She kept her parents in suspense for several days ____________________________________

重点单词   查看全部解释    
multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

engage [in'geidʒ]


v. 答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚

illegal [i'li:gəl]


adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民

uncertain [ʌn'sə:tn]


adj. 不确定的

suspect [səs'pekt]


n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的<

bark [bɑ:k]


v. (狗)吠,咆哮
n. 狗吠,咆哮

illustrate ['iləstreit]


v. 举例说明,(为书)作插图,图解

persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说

worsen ['wə:sn]


v. (使)更坏,(使) 恶化





