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来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  关于"so...that..."或"such... that..."或"so..."从句
  Plain: The comedian was so funny that as soon as he started talking people laughed.
  Interesting: The comedian soon had them all laughing.
  Plain: This is such an indispensable book that anyone who wants to speak and write with clarity, effectiveness, and individuality should possess one.
  Interesting: This is an indispensable book for anyone who wants to speak and write with clarity, effectiveness, and individuality.
  Plain: The professor was so quick-witted and so knowledgeable of the theater that he was instantly recognized as the best critic in his country.
  Interesting: The professor’s quick wit and his awesome knowledge of the theater had won him instant recognition as the best critic in his country.
  Plain: Jackie Chan was such a wonderful singer that his songs held eleven thousand people breathless.
  Interesting: Jackie Chan’s songs held eleven thousand people breathless.
  Weak: Many people in Shanghai used to live in attics, so they could see only a blank wall surrounding them.
  Better: Many people in Shanghai used to live in attics, their only vista* a blank wall.
  Plain: It was such an exhilarating experience that he felt dazed the whole evening, well after the concert.
  Interesting: It was an exhilarating experience, one that left him dazed the whole evening, well after the concert.
  避免过多适用"in order to ..."
  Plain: In order to advance his or her career, a genius needs strong financial support.
  Interesting: All geniuses need a millionaire to further their careers.
  Plain: During rush hours in Hanoi, cars often scoot into bike lanes in order to get ahead of the traffic jams. This forces bikers to hug the curbs*.
  Interesting: During rush hours in Hanoi, cars often scoot into bike lanes to cut through traffic jams, forcing bikers to hug the curbs.
  Plain: In order to prepare for millions of visitors for millennium celebrations, the city has launched many projects, some ambitious, some modest, to beautify and modernize itself.
  Better: Some projects are ambitious, others modest, and all will beautify and modernize a city expecting millions of visitors for millennium celebrations.
  不要过于依赖"because ..."从句
  Plain: We decided to take a taxi because we missed the bus by a second.
  Interesting: Missing the bus by a second, we decided to take a taxi.
  Plain: Because my schedule was so busy, I was not able to attend Susan’s birthday party.
  Better: My schedule did not allow me to attend Susan’s birthday party.
  Plain: Because I am dealing with the subject at the moment, let me give you a few statistics.
  Better: While I am on the subject, let me give you a few statistics.
  Plain: Deng Xiaoping initiated the responsibility system in the countryside and because of that he took the rural reform program to the next step.
  Better: Deng Xiaoping initiated the responsibility system in the countryside and furthered the cause of rural reform.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通

passionate ['pæʃənit]


adj. 热情的,易怒的,激情的

bureaucracy [bjuə'rɔkrəsi]


n. 官僚制度,官僚主义

rural ['ru:rəl]


adj. 农村的

dismiss [dis'mis]


vt. 解散,开除,逃避,(法律)驳回

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

knowledgeable ['nɔlidʒəbl]


adj. 博学的,有见识的

critic ['kritik]


n. 批评家,评论家

possess [pə'zes]


vt. 持有,支配

indispensable [.indis'pensəbl]


adj. 不可缺少的





