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Ⅱ 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

With my hands and knees on the floor of the airplane, I was searching for an old lady’s missing hearing aid during the flight from Sydney to Los Angeles. It occurred to me that this may not be the most dignified posture for a Buddhist nun(尼姑).
I had seen the old lady from the seat in front of me as she walked up and down the passage with a flashlight. I asked a few times what was wrong, but she didn’t answer at first —– she couldn’t hear me. She was wearing a woolen coat. Judging from her accent, she came from Eastern Europe.
Do you know what hearing aids cost? Thousands, especially for the new tiny hidden-in-the-ear type she described. It takes a long time for an appointment to make a new one, and many doctor visits to get the thing adjusted right. Therefore, my dignity seemed less important than finding that hearing aid. But how does one find a tiny black object in a shadowy jet cabin(机舱)?
The lady wasn’t even sure where or when she had lost it. At one point, a couple of flight attendants did a random search around the lady’s seat; I wasn’t impressed. They left suggesting that she search the seat of her previous flight! My flashlight turned up all kinds of small objects, bits of plastic, broken pieces of headphones.
The old lady said that she gave up. Yet I couldn’t. After we landed, as passengers streamed past us, I insisted that the lady move aside while awaiting her wheelchair. Then I got into a real down and dirty search among the dust under her seat and on the floor.
Look! A little peanut-sized shiny black object caught the light of my flashlight in a floor crack near her seat.
What a rush. “I found it!”
With great astonishment and gratitude, the old lady responded, “I haven’t the words to express my thanks!”
26. Why did the author put her hands and knees on the floor?
A. She is a religious Buddhist nun.
B. She fell down from her seat.
C. She helped the old lady look for her hearing aid.
D. She wanted to stand out among the passengers.
27. What do we know about the old lady?
A. She ignored the author’s question on purpose.
B. She is an American.
C. She lost her hearing aid by accident.
D. It was not difficult for her to get the hearing aid at all.
28. Where was the hearing aid found?
A. On the previous flight.
B. Close to the old lady’ seat.
C. On the wheelchair.
D. In another jet cabin.
29. According to the last two paragraphs, what is the old lady’s attitude towards the author?
A. Respectful. B. Doubtful. C. Supportive. D. Grateful.
30. What is the purpose of the passage?
A. To tell us a story about kind help.
B. To warn us to be more careful.
C. To teach us how to find the lost thing.
D. To present the love from all people on board.

This is a true story about a boy who, the world might say, was a terrible underachiever. While in the eighth grade, he failed subjects repeatedly. High school wasn’t much better; he flunked Latin, algebra, English, and received a grade of zero in physics. The boy managed to make the school golf team, but he lost the most important golf match of the season.
It’s not that his peers(同龄人) disliked this boy; it’s just that they never really seemed to notice him much. Even “Hellos” in the hall were a rarity. Out of all the failures in his life, there was something that did hold great importance to this boy, his love of drawing. Although in high school, the cartoons he submitted to the yearbook were rejected, once out of school, the boy was so sure of his artistic talent that he approached Walt Disney Studios with drawing works. I wish I could say the studios loved his work and immediately hired him, but such was not the case; another huge rejection.
Despite his lack of successes, this boy did not give up. He then decided to write his own autobiography in cartoons, about a little boy who was regarded as a loser and a nobody.
The name of this boy was Charles Schulz, the creator of the famous Charlie Brown and comic dog Snoopy.
In life, it is sometimes easy to feel like a nobody. We pass hundreds of people on the street on our way to work, or walk through a faceless crowd in a mall, and no one seems to notice or care. Deep inside, we may know we are special and unique and have lots to offer, but unless someone takes the time to look our way and give us a chance, we may feel worthless, just like Charlie Brown who couldn’t even manage to fly a kite or kick a football properly.
Just as Charles Schulz had faith in his artistic talent, so too, we must realize that nobody is a nobody. We all have special gifts and talents, and every human being is deserving and capable of being loved and appreciated.
31. The underlined word “flunked” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. failed B. learned C. achieved D. misunderstood
32. What can we infer about the boy in Paragraph 2?
A. He was hated by his peers.
B. He achieved great success in drawing in high school.
C. His work was refused by Walt Disney Studios.
D. He earned the praise from Walt Disney Studios.
33. When the boy suffered many defeats, he ________.
A. gave up his dream finally B. wrote some articles in magazines
C. he turned to others for help D. he wrote himself as a loser in cartoons
34. In the last two paragraphs, we are advised _______.
A. to open up our eyes
B. to believe we can make some difference
C. to learn more skills for development
D. to ask for more appreciation and love
35. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Nobody Is a Nobody.
B. A Hard-working Boy Is Successful.
C. We Should Turn Failure into Success.
D. One Cannot Succeed without Talents.




