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来源:考试吧 编辑:keke   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Topic sentence 2: In the second part, I would mention the factor of transportation. (11 words) Supporting sentences: The vital resistance of economic development in the countryside is the inconvenient transportation. It has been witnessed in China that almost all leading cities are scattered along the coastline. They take advantages of sea, air and other sophisticated transport facilities to enjoy high economic growth rates. I suggest that the central government should fund on infrastructure for the whole nation, including rural areas, to build up a nationwide transport network. Consequently tourism as well as housing in the countryside will be boosted, and the difference between the city and the country would be minimized. (94 words)

Conclusion: To sum up, intelligent resources would determine who is the winner or loser of the intense competition; moreover, transit systems also play an important role in developing economy. If both issues were tackled properly in the countryside, gap between the city and the country would never be overwhelming.(48 words)





