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9月27日雅思口语Part I精准预测及语料库(15题新东方版)

来源:新东方 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  1. Music:音乐
  1. Do you like music? 喜欢音乐吗?
  Key: As a big fan of music,I take special interest in listening to various kinds of music such as light music, folk songs or pop music.
  2. What's your favorite (type of)music? 最喜欢的音乐?
  Key:It must be folk music or folk ballad, it could mould my temperament and makes me have class. Besides, it helps me deepen my insight into different cultures.
  解析:mould my temperament v陶冶情操
  解析:have class 有品位
  拓展:deepen my insight into = have a good understanding about v加深对……的洞察
  3. Has your preference in music changed? 你的音乐喜好变化过吗?
  Key:No, at least until now, I still have a keen liking for folk music, maybe my music taste might change in the future, maybe I might like some retrospective music
  点评:nostalgic music = retrospective music 怀旧的音乐
  4. Is there any music you dislike? 不喜欢的音乐?
  Key: Rock and roll is not my cup of tea,I think it is too noisy, sometimes, the theme of rock and roll is very cynical and rebellious, so, it is not suitable for me.
  点评:cynical and rebellious 愤世嫉俗的和反叛的
  5. Do you (or, can you) play any musical instruments?你会乐器吗?
  Key:Yes,I began to learn guitar only after seeing a music performance. Now, I am an excellent performer in a music band. It is a painstaking process to learn to play guitar, however, it is worthwhile.
  解析:It is a painstaking process to 是很辛苦的过程
  6. If you had the chance to learn a musical instrument, which instrument would you (choose to) learn? 你喜欢学什么新的乐器?
  Key:Well, I think piano might be my choice.
  2. Birthday:生日
  1. Do you like birthday 你喜欢过生日吗?
  Key:Well, my answer is yes, holding a birthday party could actually add color to my dull routine of daily life because I can have a good time with my friends together. The more people I invite, the more benediction I could receive.
  拓展:benediction = blessing 祝福
  2. Do people in China celebrate birthday 中国人庆祝生日吗?
  Key: The fast pace of modern life sometimes makes it hard for those adults to celebrate their birthday, however, as for teenagers or old-timers, to celebrate the birthday is a good chance to multiply friendship or enjoy the family reunion.
  解析:enjoy the family reunion 家庭团圆
  拓展:enjoy the company of family members 享受家人陪伴
  拓展:strengthen the family tie 增强家庭联系
  3. How do Chinese people celebrate birthday 中国人如何庆祝生日?
  Key: You know,for a birthday treat, parents usually take their children to the shopping mall to buy gifts or to the pleasure ground to have fun. As for people of my age,it is customary to give or receive friends’ gifts on birthday. Plus,sometimes, our friends will all join together to sing “Happy Birthday” to birthday boy or girl.
  解析:customary 习惯的,惯例的
  解析:for a birthday treat 为庆贺生日
  解析:pleasure ground 游乐场
  拓展:feast one’s friends on his or her birthday 在生日时,宴请朋友们(描述节日)
  拓展:The guests will come to the party with birthday presents and say happy birthday. 朋友来,送礼物(可用于口语卡片的家庭庆祝,特殊日子)
  4. How do you like to celebrate your birthday 你喜欢如何庆祝生日?
  Key: Well,I would like to share a birthday cake with my friends and family members, I would like express my sincere gratitude to my mom. If possible, I still want to prepare a delicious meal for my parents.
  拓展:I desire to plant a new pine tree and to grow up with it. 植树并且和它一起成长
  5. Do you prefer birthday party with your friends or family? 你喜欢和朋友还是家人庆祝生日?
  Key:Well,I think celebrating birthday can be a splendid opportunity to strengthen the family tie and enjoy the pleasure of family life,so,I prefer to celebrate with my parents rather than eat out for a party with my friends.
  6. Do you think it is important to give a special gift to someone on their birthday party? 你认为给人送生日礼物是否重要?
  key: Well,I think it is quite necessary to prepare and present a special birthday gift for our close friends because our well-prepared presents could create a sort of precious memory.
  3. Shopping :购物
  1. Do you like going shopping? 喜欢购物吗?
  Key: Yes,going shopping is a good way to relax myself and enjoy life, especially when I feel weary in both body and mind, I like to explore different shopping malls to select my favorite goods, luckily enough, many shopping centers have been springing up in my city, for example,Wanda plaza. So I actually have many hangouts for shopping.
  解析:feel weary in both body and mind 身心疲累
  点评:hangouts = favorite places经常去的地方
  解析:Wanda plaza 万达广场
  拓展: go window shopping 只看不买的逛街
  2. Do you spend much (money) when you go shopping? 你在购物上花钱多吗?
  Key:Well, actually whenever I have money, the money will always be burning a hole in my pocket, I like the sense of spending money like water.
  拓展:If I have money to burn, I will spend money like water on my favorite items, the sense of extravagance must be beyond description. 如果有钱,尽情消费,放纵的感觉太棒了。
  3. What do you usually buy when you go shopping? 购物买什么?
  Key:As a fashionable and beautiful girl, I have a special liking for buying stylish casual clothes. Besides, I still like to go to the bookstores to select my favorite books.
  4. Where do you go shopping? 哪里买东西?
  Key:Well, it all depends, if I need to buy some daily necessities, I usually go to the supermarket on campus, however, if I have time and money available, I usually go to Wanda plaza with my friends.
  解析:daily necessities 日常生活的必须品
  5. Would you like to work in a shop? 你喜欢在商店工作吗?
  Key: I don’t know, maybe I would like to be shop owner to run my own exclusive shop in the future. Maybe, I might choose to work as a part-timer during the summer or winter holiday. However, the main task of students is to work hard, in this sense, taking up part-time jobs now is a great time-waster.
  解析: is a great time-waster 浪费时间的事情 (写作推荐)
  解析:exclusive shop 专卖店
  6. Do you like buying things on-line? 喜欢网络购物吗?
  Key: Yes, I like buying things on line, I think on-line shopping can be quite convenient, it is time-saving and energy-saving because it saves the trouble of commuting between my home and the shopping center. Besides, the price is comparatively inexpensive.
  4. Cooking:烹饪
  1. Who is your first cook? 谁第一个给你做饭?
  Key: It must be my grandmother, when I was a little baby, it was my grandmother that did a lot of nutritious and well-balanced meals for me.
  解析:nutritious and well-balanced meals 营养丰富和均衡的饭菜
  2. Who usually cook in your family? 你家里谁做饭?
  Key: You know, my mother is particularly interested in and quite good at doing the family meals, therefore, my mother, in most cases, is responsible for our family meals.
  3. Will you cook in the future? 你将来会做饭吗?
  Key: Definitely yes, actually, now I am a good cook, one of my dreams is to become a gourmet and taste all inviting foods in this world. I think it is one of the most wonderful things in one’s life. Besides, I know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
  解析:gourmet 美食家
  解析:The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach 抓住人的心,抓住人的胃。
  4. Is cooking TV program popular in China? 在中国做菜节目流行吗?
  Key: Yes, now, many TV programs concerning how to make a good meal and introduce local delicious foods enjoy tremendous popularity,especially among many married ladies. A bite of China is a good case in point.
  解析:enjoy tremendous popularity 极受欢迎
  解析:A bite of China舌尖上的中国
  5. Have you ever made some meals,do you want to take part in cooking-related courses? 你做过什么菜? 会上烹饪课程吗?
  Key: Actually my mom sets a fine learning for me as a good cook, from her I know how to make Coke chicken wings, the meal is out of the world and my friends all speak highly of my cooking skill, if possible, I would like to take part in some cooking training courses to polish up my cooking techniques.
  解析:the meal is out of the world 世间难得的美食
  解析:Coke chicken wings 可乐鸡翅
  解析:polish up my cooking techniques 改善我的厨艺
  拓展:Cuisine 厨艺
  5. Photo:摄影
  1. Do you like taking photos? 你喜欢照相吗?
  Key: I definitely like taking photos, you know, my grandfather and father are all fanciers of photography, under the subtle influence of them, I am keen on taking pictures especially when I do some sightseeing with my family members or friends.
  解析:fanciers of photography 摄影发烧友
  解析:under the subtle influence of …… 在……的潜移默化的影响下
  解析:be keen on doing sth = take special interest in doing sth 非常喜欢做……
  2. What kind of photos do you like? 你喜欢何种照片?
  Key: I like photos of people very much, especially those pictures catching the detail of different people’s daily routine life, those photos perfectly mirror their lives and emotion. I myself took about 150 photographs of people during my self-trip in Tibet.
  解析:during my self-trip in Tibet 在西藏自由行期间
  点评:Tibet 可以改成任何城市
  3. Do people in China like to take photos?中国人喜欢照相?
  Key: Well, as for those wage-earners or needy students, having an expensive and multifunctional camera is a kind of luxury, however, taking pictures by the mobile phone is now becoming a trend, so, I think it is easy for us to enjoy the fun brought about by taking pictures.
  解析:wage-earners or needy students 工薪族和穷学生
  4. Do you like taking photos by mobile phones or by cameras? 你喜欢手机照相还是相机照相?
  Key: Well, even though I am a poor student, I raised money for a long time and finally bought a canon camera. You know,I bought this camera by working as a part-timer, so, when I travel in strange cities, I still like to take pictures by camera.
  解析:a canon camera 佳能相机
  解析:work as a part-timer做兼职
  5. Will you learn more about photography? 你会学习摄影吗?
  Key:I believe knowledge is not a burden, I still believe that interest is the best teacher, so I have a burning desire to improve my photographic skills, if possible, I am willing to take part in a training course to learn from top photographers in the future.
  解析:knowledge is not a burden 艺多不压身
  解析:Interest is the best teacher 兴趣是最好的老师
  解析:have a burning desire to do sth 强烈渴望做 ……




