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来源:新东方 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Section 3
  版本号: 08311
  题型:单选5 配对5
  ( A discussion between a student and her tutor about her first draft)
  21-25 单选题
  21.the tutor said the example of the chocolate in different areas are A. in different advertisements
  B. with different tastes and ingredients
  C. in various brands
  22.the student wrote clearly about
  A. The profits
  B. the spreading markets
  C. The expansion in sales
  23.The student thinks that the company should be criticized at
  C. changing the local managers
  24.the tutor said the example of the company
  A. is trying to build up its contribution in the area
  B. overlook the benefit of the area ( producing some plastic bags, polluting the local environment)
  25.Based on the research, which book should the student read further? A. ******
  B. Centralization of global management
  C. ******
  26-30 配对题
  a. bargaining power
  b. timing into global
  c. mergers
  d. location of head office
  e. N/A
  26. Elbeys D
  27. Emerson C
  28. N/A B (classical mistake that companies which are too small to enter the global too fast)
  29. Babbies A
  30. N/A E
  扩展练习:C5T4S3 C6T3S3
  解析:本篇内容为商科课业讨论,同学们可以使用C5T4S3和C6T3S3进行练习。商科课业(案例分析case study)会涉及到企业的发展策略(strategy)和存在的问题(problems)。这些考查点的内容是非常适合将来需要出国就读商科专业的同学们去进一步了解的。
  Section 4
  场景:学术讲座-动物 gastropods(腹足动物) 如 snail蜗牛
  31. Their mineral composition is similar to the sea
  32.Their pattern on their shell is generally to the right
  33.Some gastropods even have hair on their shell
  34.Their diet is mainly made up of worms
  35.They are introduced to the country as food in 1st century
  36.They have some unique defense system
  37.The environment that is most dangerous for them is dry climate
  38.They live in old forest and swamp
  39.Some particular species live underground
  40.They are good indicators of the standard of the environment
  扩展练习:C6T4S4 C9T1S4 C9T4S4 C10T1S4
  解析:作为雅思考试听力section 4常见话题之一的动物话题,谈及的动物会有以下几种属性只一:1)常见动物 2)已灭绝动物(extinct)或濒临灭绝的动物(endangered) 3)非常有特色(featured)的。而动物话题里面还会涉及动物的生态等内容,包括与我们人类之间的关系如环境变化、人类活动干预等。需要同学们在备考的同时扩大阅读量,来熟悉与了解这些与我们人类共享地球的其他生灵。




