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美语咖啡屋 Lesson 17:Young At Heart Tap Dance Trou

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J: Well, many of the women have used tap dance to help recover from serious illnesses.

Y: 真的?跳踢踏舞还可以帮助她们恢复身体健康啊?

J: Definitely, definitely. Here's Hazel.

ACT Hazel Elbert

Jody: Out of all the dance forms why did you choose tap?

实录3 Hazel: Because I needed a diversion from a medical problem I was having. And I thought tap would be challenging and it would keep my mind occupied. It required a lot of thought, coordination and that's kinda of what I needed at the time.

Y: 原来Hazel是用跳舞来分散她的精力。这样她就不会老把自己当成一个病人。这真的是一种好办法。

J: Right, because tap dance, like Hazel said, is not only physical it's also mental. It requires a lot of thought, a lot of coordination. Another women in the dance troupe, a friend of mine, has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy.

Y: Chemotherapy就是疗。

J: And she's still tap dancing. Well, here's Emily. She explains how tap dancing saved her from severe shyness.

Y: 害羞?

J: 非常害羞。

Y: 哇,我很好奇,如果她是个害羞的人,那她怎么敢在很多人面前跳舞呢?

J: 我们让她解释。

实录4 Emily:I choose tap dancing because it is something I've always wanted to do since I was yay high but I was too frightened and too scared, and I was a very shy person, oh horribly shy person. But then when I became 52, I said "Uh oh, I think it's time." 52 or not I was going to do this.

Y: Jody, 你知道吗,我听了Emily的话,真的很受鼓舞,因为我也是个很害羞的人,所以我也应该去学跳踢踏舞?

J: What?! You? Shy?! No way! But come on out and dance with us anyway. Young At Heart would love to have you.

Y: 好,各位听众,我们今天的节目就到这里结束。谢谢大家收听,我们下次节目再见。

(Sound of tap dancing)

J: Thanks for tuning into American Cafe! See you next time!





