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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂准备篇 第四节

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1. to accept as true or probable; believe; imagine
2. assume or to pretend that (sth.) is true; take (sth.) as a fact

1. Let’s suppose it’s true.

2. What makes you suppose I’m against it?
【Kim’s Note】 Some offices are controlled by gossip. Sometimes your boss will think he knows your opinion about a project or idea before you discuss it with him. If he assumes you are against an idea, this sentence can be useful to open a discussion.

3. She’ll be there today, I suppose.

4. I suppose you want to borrow money from me again?
【Kim’s note】This is an extremely useful sentence to send away people who always borrow money or other things from you without returning. To deal with this kind of person sarcasm can be extremely effective! If you blurt out this sentence before the person can ask, you will probably save yourself some money.

5. It was generally supposed that it would not happen again.

6. We always supposed that he was innocent.

7. Suppose that the news is true, what then?

8. Suppose you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?
【Kim’s note】This sentence is sure to start an interesting discussion. You can also tell a lot about a person based on his answer. People who answer mainly by describing what they would buy for themselves are usually more self-centered and shallow than people who describe what they would buy for others.

9. Suppose we go for a swim!

10. Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or just this one?

11. You were supposed to be here an hour ago.
【Kim’s note】I always use this sentence when someone is late. I don’t bother asking why someone is late because I am not interested in excuses. I just let them know they were supposed to be present an hour before!

12. You’re not supposed to play football in the street.

13. Suppose he were to see us!
【Kim’s note】This is a classic sentence for students who like to skip (miss) class. They are always worried about the teacher seeing them!


1. thing that is suggested or implied; thing not openly stated; hint
2. involving or being involved, esp. in a crime


关键字: 经验 商务英语 BEC 考试




