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英语口语大赢家Topic262:艺术名流 Distinguished Artists

来源:本站原创 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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经典背诵 Recitation
May: Gucci and I went to a charity show tonight, which was to collect money for the children in need. A lot of stars sang in the show, including my favorite singer Mendy, whose songs I loved very much. Even though she is great, there are still some people who don't like her songs. Maybe, it's because her stuff is too new and creative. It takes time for people to accept her. But I believe her day will come soon.

distinguished adj. 卓著的

the Red Cross 红十字会

composer n. 作曲家

low profile 低调

onetime adj. 一次性的

faith n. 信心

语素 Material
The Grammy

The Grammy is considered to be the most prestigious music award. Awards are given in about ninety categories ranging from “Best Album of the Year” to “Best Classical Contemporary Composition” and the like. The Grammy is the only peer-presented award to honor artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales or chart position. Till now, it has been celebrated 48 years, and it contributed a lot to American culture.



文章关键字: 圣经 日文版


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