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跟可可学商贸口语 第9课:Welcome Party

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Getting To Know Your Coworkers:Welcome Party

STEVE: Would you like some more of this punch?
SUSAN: No, I don't think so.
STEVE: Why not?
SUSAN: I'm afraid of it. It's sweet, but I think it's pretty strong.
STEVE: No, not at all. I've had five glasses already.
SUSAN: Yes, I can tell.
STEVE: What? Do you think I'm drunk?
SUSAN: No, I'm just kidding. But you do look like you're having a good time.
STEVE: So, c'mon. Have another glass of punch. It's just fruit juice.
SUSAN: It's not just fruit juice. But alright. I'll have one more glass.
KEVIN: Steve, are you trying to push that punch on poor Susan here?
You shouldn't trust this guy, you know. He likes to see people get drunk.
STEVE: Oh, Kevin! How can you accuse me?
You are the one who made this punch. It's your party!
I didn't pour the three bottles of vodka in it, did I?
KEVIN: There aren't three bottles of vodka in there, Steve.
STEVE: No, you're right. There are two bottles of vodka.
SUSAN: But you said it wasn't strong, Steve.
And now you're saying there are two bottles of vodka in it.
STEVE: Yes, I guess you caught me there.
SUSAN: So how long have you been with the company?
STEVE: Two years. I was hired by Kevin here.
KEVIN: Yes, that was my mistake.
STEVE: Kevin likes to tease me now, but it's true that he hired me.
KEVIN: He was really well-qualified for the job.
You can see, Susan, that I didn't hire him for his good looks.
STEVE: You are very funny tonight, Kevin.
SUSAN: No, he seems good-looking enough to me.
It's just maybe that his manners aren't too good.
STEVE: I am in a room full of comedians here.
Are you both going to be making such good jokes at the office too?
KEVIN: No, we will have work to do at the office. We will let you make the jokes.
But excuse me for a moment, I have to check on something in the kitchen.
You behave here, alright, Steve?
STEVE: Yes, Ma'am. I'll be good. Would you like some more punch?
SUSAN: No, I don't think so.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
accuse [ə'kju:z]


v. 指责,控告,谴责

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

tease [ti:z]


n. 揶揄者,戏弄
v. 欺负,嘲弄

punch [pʌntʃ]


n. 打洞器,钻孔机,殴打
n. (酒、水、糖






