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跟可可走遍美国:Men's Best Friend人类最好的朋友 ACT III

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Hardly a day goes by without another gruesome story of cruel atrocities against animals. The latest revelations about the horrific suffering inflicted on animals transported live huge distances in tiny cramped stifling hot spaces without food or water (they have to be alive when slaughtered to conform to the grotesque, painful, ritualistic slaughtering standards of the world's fastest-growing religions) come as no surprise to animal welfare activists.

Massive, monstrous factory farms that reduce living, feeling creatures to milk and meat machines, in lifelong misery and suffering. Slaughterhouses whose activities are so heartless and barbaric that a single visit can leave you traumatized for life. Testing labs that profit by torturing animals because it's cheaper than other methods of demonstrating product safety. Puppy mills (many run by 'quaint' religious groups) that breed sickly animals non-stop under unimaginably dreadful conditions, just for profit. And some of the animal cruelty designed to procure organs, tusks and other parts from (often endangered) species as quack cures and health enhancers defies description. It just goes on and on.

Regular readers know that I've largely given up on political solutions to complex problems. There is just too much money greasing too many greedy political palms to ever permit the passage and enforcement of any kind of reasonable animal welfare regulations. So what can we do?

First, we can refuse to buy the products of companies that profit from animal cruelty. Become a vegetarian or a vegan. If you can't do that, buy only locally-produced, free-range meats from small farms whose owners you know personally. It's good for the local economy, for your health, and for the animals. And boycott farms that produce, and restaurants that serve, meats from confined milk-only-diet baby animals (e.g. veal).

When you buy health, personal and chemical products, buy only those clearly certified as not tested on animals. The standards are poor, inconsistent and sloppily regulated, but they're a start. Or make your own products from simple natural ingredients (saves money too).

Never buy animals from puppy mills or pet stores. If you are looking for a pet, please select one from an animal shelter. And make sure it's neutered. If you choose a cat, please do the birds a favour and keep it indoors. And please don't keep animals caged in small spaces or tied up. Confinement is crueler than pain.

We'll never get the laws changed, or the religious practices changed. People have been trying to reform animal cruelty laws and religious practices for centuries, with virtually no success. Of course we should keep trying, and identify and vote for candidates who take no money from Big Agribusiness or Big Pharma. But political activism will never be enough.

What we can do is starve the organizations that profit from animal cruelty -- factory farms, slaughterhouses, Big Agribusiness and Big Pharma, pet stores, fur merchants, irresponsible restaurants, cosmetic, health product, personal care and chemical companies, and transportation companies that ship live animals.

Only when enough of us buy intelligently (or, more accurately, stop buying ignorantly) will we have enough of an effect to make animal cruelty unprofitable. And only when it becomes unprofitable will it stop.







也许我们永远无法改变法律或宗教传统。几个世纪以来,人们一直在试图改革针对动物的残酷律法和宗教传统,然而实质上没有取得成功。当然,我们还是应该继续努力,要鉴别出那些不从Big Agribusiness和Big Pharma公司收钱的候选人,给他们投票。但光靠政治来解决是远远不够的。

我们能做的是抵制靠对动物施暴而获利的企业组织--工厂化农场,屠宰场,Big Agribusiness和Big Pharma,宠物商店,皮草商,那些不负责任的饭店,化妆品商,保健品制造商,个人用品及化工产品公司还有那些用船装运活体动物的运输公司,让它们无利可图而退出市场。






