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来源:西雅图工作英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

场景六:最难的提问 --- 假设情景提问

Linda: If you are a leader in our company and in charge of a project, you will need to be able to work with a variety of people in the project team. Let’s say that due to difference of opinions, the team is split into two camps at a meeting and the debate starts to get out of control. At this point, as a leader, what would you do to encourage constructive cooperation from both parties? If the two parties continue to disagree, what will you do then?

Linda: 假如你已经成为了我们公司的一名主管,由你负责管理一个项目。你需要在项目上和不同的人合作。由于观点不同,(在会议中)产生对立的两方,而且进行了激烈的争论。这时,作为领导者,你该如何鼓励双方有效合作呢?如果两方面还是不能达成共识,你又会怎么办?

Steve: First, I will listen to the point of views and reasons from both sides carefully and make my own judgment. If I side with one camp, I will offer facts and data to explain to the other side my thougt process. If my opinion differs from both sides, I will also give facts and data to support my third-party opinion. If an agreement still cannot be reached, I will hold onto my opinion but also encourage more reserved colleagues to voice their opinions while continuing to provide more data to support a solution. In short, my principle is that everything should be based on data and facts. And every colleague has the right to express his or her opinion. I will always try my best to reach a common ground that all members of the debate are comfortable standing on. If we cannot find this common ground, then I will ultimately make the final decision, as a leader.

Steve: 首先我会仔细聆听双方的观点和理由,并做出我的判断。如果我倾向于其中一方的观点,我会拿出数据和事实说服另一方。如果我的观点与两者都不同,我同样会基于数据和事实来证明我的第三方立场。如果最后大家还是不能够达成共识,我会坚持我的观点,但允许保留意见的同事拿出更多的数据来表达他们的意见,以支持相应的解决方案。总之,我的原则是,基于数据与事实,每一位同事都有权发表他的观点。我会尽量让大家达成共识。如果不能达成共识,那作为领导者,我会做出一个决定。





