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纯正地道美语 第82期(外教讲解):New Guy In Town V

来源:Englishpod 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Daily Life - New Guy In Town V (C0082)

A: What the heck is going on! Did you see that?What was that thing?
B: I don’t know! I’m just glad we made it out! Look,there is a police car! Help! Help! Please stop!
C: Howdy man. What seems to be the problem? Is this man bothering you?

A: Officer, officer, there is, like, a witch creature back there! We tied her up but she broke free, and she was about to have us for dinner!

C: Okay, calm down, calm down. Lemme see your eyes please. Have you been drinking tonight,son?

B: We are telling the truth! She’s in there! We suspected her of being a kidnapper or rapist but it turns out she’s an alien or something.

C: Okay, calm down, calm down. Lemme see your eyes please...
B: Ugg! Seriously! Are you gonna help us or not?

C: Okay, let’s go have a look, shall we? Hello? Is anyone in here?
A: Be careful! She might be hiding!
C: It’s perfectly safe... there isn’t anyone...




