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地道英语学习第82期(附讲解音频):Get the Hump 让人窝火的

来源:BBC英伦网 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Diarmuid: Hi I'm Diarmuid. 嗨,我是圣保罗。

Yang Li: (unhappy) And I'm Yang Li. 我是杨丽。

Diarmuid: You OK today Yang Li? You sound a bit down. 杨丽你今天好吗?你听起来有些低落。

Yang Li: Nah, I'm OK, just annoyed about my new camera. 没有,我挺好的,我的新相机让我挺心烦的。

Diarmuid: What happened? 发生什么了?

Yang Li: It's broken. 它坏了。

Diarmuid: Really? That's annoying, you only bought it yesterday. 真的吗?真让人心烦,我昨天才买的相机。

Yang Li: Yes, and I was so looking forward to taking pictures today. The weather's perfect. 是的,我今天本想拍些照片的。天气很好。

Diarmuid: Sounds like you've got the hump. 听上去你很生气。

Yang Li: Tell me about it. 今天我们要学的新词语是 to get the hump 意思是让人窝火的。Hump原意是骆驼脊背上的驼峰,不过我们不清楚这个短语究竟和骆驼有什么关系。


A: Do you know where Mike is? I want to ask him something. 你知道麦克在哪里吗?我想问他些事。

B: Mike? He's still in his room in a bad mood. He's had the hump all morning. 麦克?他还在自己的房间里生气呢。他一早上都不高兴。

A: I really don't think that dress suits you. 我真觉得这件衣服不适合你。

B: What? It's my favourite! 什么?这是我最喜欢的。

A: Oh, sorry. Don't get the hump. I just think you look better in purple. 哦,抱歉,别生气。我只是觉得你穿紫色会更好看。

Yang Li: So, you can use this phrase in different ways: he's got the hump. 所以你可以用不同的方式用这个短语:他窝火了。

Diarmuid: He had the hump yesterday. 他昨天很生气。

Yang Li: And, that really gave him the hump. 他确实很生气。

Diarmuid: You're sounding a bit better Yang Li anyway. Let's have a look at that camera. 杨丽,你听上去好多了。让我看下你的相机。

Yang Li: Here you go... 给你……

Diarmuid: Why don't you just press... There you go. 为什么你不按下……相机可以拍了。

Yang Li: Eh, it's working! 额,能拍了!

Diarmuid: Looks like it. 像这样。

Yang Li: Great, thanks Diarmuid. You are a star! 太好了,圣保罗,你真棒!

Diarmuid: Goodbye hump. 不爽的情绪没有啦。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
annoying [ə'nɔiiŋ]


adj. 恼人的,讨厌的



adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 v. 使烦恼;打扰(annoy

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词


关键字: 讲解 地道 英语学习




