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白领的一天 场景129:面对面 Face-to-face

来源:BBC英伦网 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Narrator: 欢迎回到《白领英语》节目。 今天是非常重要的一天,国际塑料大会就是今天举行,这也是 Tip Top 贸易公司好好自我标榜、自我推荐的一个机会。 等等!这是谁啊?哎呀,原来是美国大老板 Mr Socrates…
Mr Socrates: Hey, you guys, where have you been?
Paul: Ah, Mr Socrates… nice to see you again. I'd heard you were in town.
Anna/Tom: Hello Mr Socrates.
Mr Socrates: I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I need to catch up with you and see how business is going.
Paul: Oh very, very well. We’re selling Imperial Lemons to France and Anna is developing plastic vegetables.
Mr Socrates: Ah Anna! My favourite girl. Still doing a good job?
Anna: I’m doing my best.
Paul: In fact she’s been doing my job for a few days… I had a bit of a biscuit accident…
Mr Socrates: Yeah, well that’s not hard for you, Paul. Listen, listen I need to talk you - shouldn’t the others be doing some networking now?
Paul: Of course – that’s why we’re here. Right Tom, I need you to catch up with some of existing customers – do some schmoozing – and Anna, could you talk to some potential new customers. I need to speak to Mr Socrates.
Anna: Right. Erm, networking… what exactly am I supposed to do?
Narrator: Networking 搭建人际关系,就是和行内其他人士相互沟通,保持联系。 需要和不同的人见面、交谈、交流信息,相互帮助。
Anna: So I have to talk to strangers?
Narrator: Well yes. 介绍自己, 告诉别人你在哪个公司工作。问问他们的公司是什么,做哪方面的业务。然后介绍一下你的工作、产品、客户群等。如果合适的话,看看有没有合作的机会。 保持友好的态度,跟大家多聊聊。
Anna: Thanks. I’ll give it a try. (Talking to someone) Excuse me, hello, I’m Anna. I work as a Sales Executive at Tip Top Trading… and you are?
Woman: Jane. Jane from Nice’n’Cheesy. It’s very busy here today isn’t it?
Anna: It is. It’s my first time here but it’s very exciting. I really didn’t know what to wear.
Narrator: Anna! 这就可以了,别忘了主要目的是工作。
Anna: Oh yes, of course. So can you tell me about your company – Nice’n’Cheesy?
Woman: Well, we sell cheese to London’s top cheese shops - we like to say we’re a wedge above the rest – a wedge of cheese, get it?!
Anna: Err right. Well, can I briefly tell you about what our company does? Our company – Tip Top Trading – makes plastic fruit mainly for the catering and food industry. We’re up for an award today for one of our designs.
Woman: Smashing. That’s quite interesting actually. We have an issue with the fresh grapes we provide with our cheeses – they keep going mouldy.
Anna: Oh dear.
Woman: Yes – sour grapes you could say! A good quality plastic grape would be useful to put with our cheese displays.
Anna: Well, I think we might be able to help you.
Narrator: 当然可以!这就是你交换名片的机会。
Anna: Well, if I could have your contact details I’ll send you one of our brochures and then give you a call about prices. And here’s my business card should you want to call me.
Woman: That’s fantastic. So nice to have met you – and I think what you’re wearing for the conference is perfect.
Anna: Thanks!
Narrator: Bingo! Anna 好像找到了一个潜在客户。她保持了友好的态度,但没忘了工作。她用到以下一些表达:
Excuse me, hello, I’m Anna. I work as a Sales Executive at Tip Top Trading 您好,我是Anna. 我是 Tip Top 贸易公司的销售经理。
Can you tell me about your company? 您能告诉我您的公司是做什么的吗?
Can I briefly tell you about what our company does? 我可以简单介绍一下我们公司的业务吗?
I think we might be able to help you. 我想我们能帮到您。
Here’s my business card should you want to call. 如果您有什么需要,这是我的名片,可以随时打电话给我。
Narrator: Anna 已经开始了她的人际网络联系,干得还真是不错。像展览会或大型会议这些场合,都是最适合发展人际关系的地方。Paul 和 Mr Socrates 也都在场,不知道他们俩那儿怎样了。
Mr Socrates: …it’s a tough economic climate, Paul. We’re already cutting out cookies in
management meetings.
Paul: Oh, gosh.
Mr Socrates: And now we’re cutting staff. We’ve already lost Rachel – my favourite
Sales Executive.
Paul: Ah yes, well, she was stealing the pens.
Mr Socrates: Pens can be replaced but not people like her.
Paul: Well…
Mr Socrates: But now it’s time to reduce your team Paul – share the pain.
Paul: Are you sure?
Mr Socrates: Absolutely. By my calculations, you need to get rid of one member of
Paul: Oh… well let’s not tell the team until we’ve had the awards ceremony.
Mr Socrates: OK Paul, but it's in your hands to sort this out.
Paul: Crumbs!
Narrator: Ah yes, Tip Top 贸易公司即将在展会上拿到一个大奖, 可是裁员的消息会对团队
产生什么样的影响呢?Paul 会做些什么?看样子我们要等下期节目再继续了。


Anna 在展会上碰到的那位女士是在哪家公司工作?

听力挑战Tip Top 贸易公司被提名哪个奖?
the best plastic innovation

重点单词   查看全部解释    
narrator [næ'reitə]


n. 叙述者,讲解员

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

err [ə:]


v. 犯错,做错 v. 偏离,入歧途

innovation [.inəu'veiʃən]


n. 创新,革新

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt





