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2分钟英语口语课堂(视频+中英文本) 第118期:谈工作第一天 First day at work

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Meeting the HR.

Natalie: Good morning, Mr. Parker.
Natalie: 早上好,Parker先生。
Henry: Good morning, Ms. Green. How are you today?
Henry: 早上好,Green先生。今天怎么样?
Natalie: I am doing great. What about you?
Natalie: 挺好的。你呢?
Henry: I'm fine, thank you. Welcome to your first day in our company. Joanna will introduce you to the team.
Henry: 很好,谢谢。初次来公司,欢迎您。Joanna 会向你介绍一下团队情况。
Natalie: Thank you very much Mr. Parker.
Natalie: 太谢谢您了,Parker先生。
Henry: Glad to have you on our team Ms. Green.
Henry: 欢迎您的加入,Green先生。
Meeting a colleague.
Jude: Good morning, are you our new manager? My name is Jude Black.
Jude: 早上好,您是新任的经理吗?我是Jude Black。
James: Hello Jude. No, I am the new payroll clerk. My name is James Smith.
James: Jude,你好。不,我是新任的工资结算员。我是James Smith。
Jude: It's nice to meet you James.
Jude: 见到您很高兴,James。
James: Thank you Jude. It's a pleasure to meet you too.
James: 谢谢,Jude.见到您也很高兴。
Jude: Do you want me to show you around the place?
Jude: 要我带您去周围看看吗?
James: Could you? That'd be very nice.
James: 可以吗?那就太好了。
Jude: Absolutely. I'll be glad to show you around.
Jude: 当然可以。很高兴和您四处转转。
Meeting another colleague.
James: Could you show me the accounting department?
James: 您能带我去
Henry: Sure. Are you new here?
Henry: 当然。您是新来的吗?
James: Yeah. I've just joined as the payroll clerk. I need to meet the CFO.
James: 是的,我才刚做工资结算员。我来见 首席财务官。
Henry: Well it's good that I ran into you here. I am the CFO.
Henry: 好,在这儿碰见你真是太好了,我就是。
James: Really? Nice to meet you Sir.
James: 真的吗?很高兴见到您,先生。
Henry: Drop the Sir. I am Henry. Henry Parker.
Henry: 别叫我先生,我是Henry,Henry Parker。
James: Nice to meet you Mr. Parker. I am James Smith.
James: 见到您很高兴,Parker 先生,我是James Smith。
Henry: Welcome to our company James.
Henry: James, 欢迎来到我们公司。
Training Assignment
Kelly: Hi Chris. I am Kelly. I'll be assisting you with your training assignment.
Kelly: Chris,你好。我是Kelly。我是来协助您做培训任务的。
Chris: Good to meet you Kelly. So where should we start?
Chris: Kelly,很高兴见到你。我们从哪儿开始?
Kelly: Well, you've gotta learn about our practices. We have rules for everything in this company, you know.
Kelly: 嗯,你已经学习了我们公司的惯例。你知道的,所有事情公司都有公司的规定。
Chris: Oh. That's interesting.
Chris: 哦,那很有意思。
Kelly: Don't worry, I am just talking about the rules for handling customers. We like to make sure that our customers are happy in here.
Kelly: 别担心,我只是在说和消费者打交道的规则。我们要确保消费者在我们这里是开开心心的。
Chris: I know what you mean Kelly. I've been in customer support myself in my last job.
Chris: Kelly, 我懂了。我上一份工作做的就是客服。
Kelly: Great! Then you should have no problems.
Kelly: 太棒了!那你应该就没问题了。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

assignment [ə'sainmənt]


n. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)

colleague ['kɔli:g]


n. 同事





