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Day 26:Lesson 14 A clear conscience

来源:可可英语 编辑:ethan   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Lesson 14 A clear conscience


1.clear /klɪr/ adj. 无罪的,不亏心的
搭配:clear one’s head 冷静一下,清清头脑
例句:Just leave me alone. I need some time to clear my head.

2.conscience /'kɒnʃ(ə)ns/ n. 良心,道德心
助记:con-全部+ sci-知道+ence 名词后缀

3.wallet /'wɒlɪt/ n. 皮夹,钱夹
扩展:purse 女士钱包

4.savings /'seiviŋz/ n. 存款
扩展:debit card 储蓄卡/credit card 信用卡

5.villager /'vɪlɪdʒə/ n. 村民
扩展:villain 坏人

6.percent /pə ˈsent/百分之......


The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: 'A thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: 'Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. The last note said: 'I am 100 per cent honest now!'

1.The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.

1)语法:learn + that宾语从句

Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.

2.Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door.

1)语法:宾语从句(be + adj + that…)
Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers

2)语法:must have done 对过去肯定的推测

3. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: 'A thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief!'

1)搭配:wrap it up 包起来

2)语法:which 引导定语从句

4.Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: 'Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. The last note said: 'I am 100 per cent honest now!'
重点单词   查看全部解释    
conscience ['kɔnʃəns]


n. 良心,责任心,顾忌

contained [kən'teind]


adj. 泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的 v. 包含;遏制

wallet ['wɔlit]


n. 皮夹,钱包

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

villain ['vilən]


n. 坏人,恶根 n. 罪犯

butcher ['butʃə]


n. 屠夫,刽子手,肉商,小贩
vt. 屠宰,





