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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 2 Digory and his Uncle第2章 迪格雷和他的舅舅
IT was so sudden, and so horribly unlike anything that had ever happened to Digory even in a nightmare, that he let out a scream. Instantly Uncle Andrew's hand was over his mouth. "None of that!" he hissed in Digory's ear. "If you start making a noise your Mother'll hear it. And you know what a fright might do to her."即使在梦中.迪格雷也从未见过如此突然如此恐怖的事情,他尖叫了一声。安德鲁舅舅赶紧用手捂住他的嘴。“别叫!”他在迪格雷的耳边悄悄说,“你知道,要是你母亲听到了,她可能会受惊的。”
As Digory said afterwards, the horrible meanness of getting at a chap in that way, almost made him sick. But of course he didn't scream again.正如迪格雷后来说的,这种引人上钩的卑鄙手段实在使他感到厌恶。当然,他也没有再叫。
"That's better," said Uncle Andrew. "Perhaps you couldn't help it. It is a shock when you first see someone vanish. Why, it gave even me a turn when the guinea-pig did it the other night."“好吧,”安德鲁舅舅说,“也许你是控制不住才叫的。第一次看见一个人消失是会吃惊的。昨天夜里,那只豚鼠的消失甚至把我也吓了一跳。”
"Was that when you yelled?" asked Digory.“就在那时,你叫了一声吗?”迪格雷说。
"Oh, you heard that, did you? I hope you haven't been spying on me?"“噢,你听见了。我希望你没有跟踪我吧,
"No, I haven't," said Digory indignantly. "But what's happened to Polly?"“没有,”迪格雷愤愤地说,”但波莉到底出了什么事?”
"Congratulate me, my dear boy," said Uncle Andrew, rubbing his hands. "My experiment has succeeded. The little girl's gone - vanished - right out of the world."“祝贺我吧,亲爱的孩子,”安德鲁搓着手说,“我的试验成功了。那小女孩已经走了——从这个世界消失了。”“你把她怎么村了?"
"What have you done to her?"“送她到——啊——另一个地方去了。”
"Sent her to - well - to another place."“你这是什么意思?”迪格雷问。
"What do you mean?" asked Digory.安德鲁舅舅坐下说,“好,我把一切都告诉你吧。你听说过老莱菲夫人吗,”
Uncle Andrew sat down and said, "Well, I'll tell you all about it. Have you ever heard of old Mrs Lefay?"“她不是姨婆或其他什么亲戚吗?”迪格雷说。
"Wasn't she a great-aunt or something?" said Digory.“不完全是,”安德鲁舅舅说,“她是我的教母。那边墙上就是她。”
"Not exactly," said Uncle Andrew. "She was my godmother. That's her, there, on the wall."迪格雷望过去,着见一幅褪色的头像:一位头戴无边有带女式帽的老太太。他想起,在乡下家中的一个旧抽屉里也见过她的一张头像。他曾经问过妈妈她是谁,但妈妈好像不大愿意谈这个话题。迪格雷想,虽然不能单凭那些旧照片来分辨美丑:但那张脸的确一点儿也不好看。
Digory looked and saw a faded photograph: it showed the face of an old woman in a bonnet. And he could now remember that he had once seen a photo of the same face in an old drawer, at home, in the country. He had asked his Mother who it was and Mother had not seemed to want to talk about the subject much. It was not at all a nice face, Digory thought, though of course with those early photographs one could never really tell.“她有——她没什么错吧,安德鲁舅舅?”
"Was there - wasn't there - something wrong about her, Uncle Andrew?" he asked.他问。“哦,”安德鲁舅舅抿嘴一笑,说道.“这要看你把什么当作错。人们都太心胸狭窄了。她到了晚年的确非常古怪,做事也很不谨镇。所以,他们把她关了起来。”
"Well," said Uncle Andrew with a chuckle, "it depends what you call wrong. People are so narrow-minded. She certainly got very queer in later life. Did very unwise things. That was why they shut her up."“你是说,关在疯人院?”
"In an asylum, do you mean?"“啊不,不是,不是。”安德鲁舅舅吃惊地说.“根本不是那种地方,只是监禁起来。”
"Oh no, no, no," said Uncle Andrew in a shocked voice. "Nothing of that sort. Only in prison."“天哪!”迪格雷说,“她干了什么?"
"I say!" said Digory. "What had she done?"“唉,可怜的女人.”安德鲁舅舅说,“她太不谨慎,做了许多不一般的事。不必细说了。她一直待我很好。”
"Ah, poor woman," said Uncle Andrew. "She had been very unwise. There were a good many different things. We needn't go into all that. She was always very kind to me."“可是,这些事跟波莉有什么关系呢?我真希望你……”
"But look here, what has all this got to do with Polly? I do wish you'd -"

Chapter 2 Digory and his Uncle
IT was so sudden, and so horribly unlike anything that had ever happened to Digory even in a nightmare, that he let out a scream. Instantly Uncle Andrew's hand was over his mouth. "None of that!" he hissed in Digory's ear. "If you start making a noise your Mother'll hear it. And you know what a fright might do to her."
As Digory said afterwards, the horrible meanness of getting at a chap in that way, almost made him sick. But of course he didn't scream again.
"That's better," said Uncle Andrew. "Perhaps you couldn't help it. It is a shock when you first see someone vanish. Why, it gave even me a turn when the guinea-pig did it the other night."
"Was that when you yelled?" asked Digory.
"Oh, you heard that, did you? I hope you haven't been spying on me?"
"No, I haven't," said Digory indignantly. "But what's happened to Polly?"
"Congratulate me, my dear boy," said Uncle Andrew, rubbing his hands. "My experiment has succeeded. The little girl's gone - vanished - right out of the world."
"What have you done to her?"
"Sent her to - well - to another place."
"What do you mean?" asked Digory.
Uncle Andrew sat down and said, "Well, I'll tell you all about it. Have you ever heard of old Mrs Lefay?"
"Wasn't she a great-aunt or something?" said Digory.
"Not exactly," said Uncle Andrew. "She was my godmother. That's her, there, on the wall."
Digory looked and saw a faded photograph: it showed the face of an old woman in a bonnet. And he could now remember that he had once seen a photo of the same face in an old drawer, at home, in the country. He had asked his Mother who it was and Mother had not seemed to want to talk about the subject much. It was not at all a nice face, Digory thought, though of course with those early photographs one could never really tell.
"Was there - wasn't there - something wrong about her, Uncle Andrew?" he asked.
"Well," said Uncle Andrew with a chuckle, "it depends what you call wrong. People are so narrow-minded. She certainly got very queer in later life. Did very unwise things. That was why they shut her up."
"In an asylum, do you mean?"
"Oh no, no, no," said Uncle Andrew in a shocked voice. "Nothing of that sort. Only in prison."
"I say!" said Digory. "What had she done?"
"Ah, poor woman," said Uncle Andrew. "She had been very unwise. There were a good many different things. We needn't go into all that. She was always very kind to me."
"But look here, what has all this got to do with Polly? I do wish you'd -"

第2章 迪格雷和他的舅舅

重点单词   查看全部解释    
asylum [ə'sailəm]


n. 收容所,避难所,庇护,精神病院

congratulate [kən'grætju.leit]


vt. 祝贺

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

drawer ['drɔ:ə]


n. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人

unwise ['ʌn'waiz]


adj. 不聪明的,愚笨的

chuckle ['tʃʌkl]


v. 轻声笑,咯咯笑,暗自笑 n. 轻声笑,咯咯笑

nightmare ['nait.mɛə]


n. 恶梦,使人极其痛苦的事情或经历,梦魇

vanish ['væniʃ]


vi. 消失,不见了,绝迹
vt. 消失





