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开心学英语第四册下 unit 9 Are these blue socks yours?

来源:可可英语 编辑:Nicole   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Listen and look.
Are these blue socks yours? No,they're not.They're Tony's.
Is this your blue handkerchief?No,it's not.It's Jenny's.
Whose red and blue shirt is this? I don't know.
Whose blue pen is this? It's mine.Thanks.
Oh,no!My shirt!Sorry,Tony.Oh,Gogo!
Listen and say.
pajamas.pajamas. slippers.slippers.
underwear.underwear. towel. towel.
keys. keys. money. money.
handkerchief. handkerchief. swimsuit.swimsuit.
Target Listen and say.Is this money yours? No,it's not.
Are these Mom's keys? I don't know.Is this hers? Yes,it is.
Practice 1
Listen,read and match.
A.Is this your towel?No it's net.It's his.
B.Tony,are these keys yours?No,they are not .They are Jenny's.
C.Are these Jenny's slippers?No,they are not .They are Tony's.
D.Who's money is this ?It's Gogo's money.
Song activity
1 Listen and sing.
Is this his towel?Is this his towel?Is this his towel?
Yes it is .Yes it is .it is dad's towel.Yes it is .Yes it is .it is dad's towel.
Are these her slippers?Are these her slippers?
Yes they are ,yes they are .These are Mom's slippers.
Yes they are ,yes they are .These are Mom's slippers.
Sounds and words
1 Listen,point and say.
corn corn fourteen fourteenfloor floor blackboard blackboard
morning morning pour pour




