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人教版小学英语五年级下--UNIT FOUR What are you doing

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UNIT FOUR What are you doing?Let's chant

What are you doing? I am doing the dishes.What are you doing?

I am drawing pictures What are you doing?

I am reading a book What are you doing?

I am cooking dinner.What are you doing? I am answering the phone.

Let's learn,cooking dinner,drawing pictures,

doing the dishes,answering the phone,

reading a book,What are you doing?

I am doing the dishes

Let's try,Let's talk

A:hello.C:Hi,Amy.It's chen jie

A:Hi,chen Jie.what are you doing?

C:I'm drawing pictures what are you doing?

A:I'm reading a book

Read and write

J:Hello.Z:Hi,John.This is Zhang peng

what are you doing?

J:I am talking to you

Z:Come on, John.What are you doing

J:I'm doing the dishes what are you doing?

Z:I'm reading a book.

J:Do you want to go to the Children's center?

Z:Sure.What time? J:10:30

Z:Ok.see you later J:Bye

Let's learn,listening to music

washing clothes,cleaning the room,

writing a letter,writing an e-mail,

what is your father doing?He's writing an e-mail

Let's chant

Grandma is cooking,Cooking noodles.sisten is listening,Listening to music.

Mom is writing Writing an e-mail. Dad is reading,Reading the newspaper.

Grandma is cooking,Cooking noodles.sisten is listening,Listening to music.

Mom is writing Writing an e-mail.Dad is reading,Reading the newspaper.

Let's try,Listen and tick.Let's talk

C:Hello.W:Hello.This is Nina.

Can I speak to your mom,please?

C:She's cooking dinner please hold on

W:thank you.C:Mom,there's a call for you.

m:thank you.Read and write

M:Hello.L:Hello.This is Uncle Larry.

How's everybody doing?M:Just fine.

Grandpa is writing a letter.

Brother is doing homework.

Mom is cooking dinner in the ktchen

I am cleaning the room.

L:What about your dad?

Can I speak to him, please?

M:sure.Hold on please.

He's writing an e-mail in the study.

Dad,there is a call for you

D:I'm coming. who's that?

M:Uncle Larry.D:Thank you

Pronunciation,oo cool boots goose school

ou soup group train tree try trek

tw twelve twist twenty twin

That cool goose is wearing my boots

That cool goose is wearing my boots

That cool goose is wearing my boots

You ate soup with my group

You ate soup with my group

You ate soup with my group

Twenty trains tried to trek trees.

Twenty trains tried to trek trees.

Twenty trains tried to trek trees.

Let's check

Let's sing What Are You Doing

What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing at home?

I'm speaking to you.I'm speaking to you. I'm speaking to you on the phone.

What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing at home?

I'm speaking to you.I'm speaking to you. I'm speaking to you on the phone.

story time,Zp:Hey!How are you?

Zm'f:I'm fine,thank you. How are you?

Zp:I'm fine!Thanks for asking.

so,what are you doing?

Zm'f:I'm working on my computer

Zp:Oh, come on!I know you're playing computer games.

I'm watching TV.

There is a great show on right now.

You should watch it

Zm'f:Maybe I will.

Zp:Your father would like it too

Zm'f:This zoom's father

Zp:Oh, I'm so sorry.

Can I speak to Zoom please?

Zm'f:It's nine o'clock,He's sleeping.

zip,you should be sleeping,too!Go to bed.

zp:You're right. Good night

Zm'f:Sleep well.Bye.

Words in Unit 4

draw pictures , cook dinner
画画 , 做饭
read a book , answer the phone
看书, 接电话,
talk,Children's Center,
see you later,listen to music,
clean the room,write a letter,
write an e-mail,mom,
grandpa,speak to,study,

重点单词   查看全部解释    
coup [ku:]


n. 政变,砰然的一击,妙计,出乎意料的行动

twist [twist]


v. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲
n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,





