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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The King's first idea was that they should not go back to Stable Hill - they were sick of the very name of it by now till after dark. But the Dwarf told them that if they arrived there by daylight they would probably find the place deserted, except perhaps for a Calormene sentry. The Beasts were far too frightened by what the Ape (and Ginger) had told them about this new angry Aslan - or Tashlan - to go near it except when they were called together for these horrible midnight meetings. And Calormenes are never good woodsmen. Poggin thought that even by daylight they could easily get round to somewhere behind the stable without being seen. This would be much harder to do when the night had come and the Ape might be calling the Beasts together and all the Calormenes were on duty. And when the meeting did begin they could leave Puzzle at the back of the stable, completely out of sight, till the moment at which they wanted to produce him. This was obviously a good thing: for their only chance was to give the Narnians a sudden surprise.国王第一个主意是不到天黑以后,他们不应该回到马厩山去——现在他们听到这山的名字就感到厌恶了。但小矮人告诉他们,如果他们在白天到达山上,他们就很可能发现那儿寂无人影,也许只碰到个把警卫。野兽们被无尾猿(和金格)所告诉它们的阿斯兰——或塔什兰——的新的愤怒吓坏了,它们不敢走近马厩去,除非被叫去开那些可怕的午夜大会。卡乐门人从来不是善于在森林里活动的好手。波金认为,在白天里他们倒容易绕到马厩山背后的什么地方,不会被人看见的。黑夜来临,无尾猿就要把野兽召集拢来,所有的卡乐门兵都要值班上岗,那时倒难办得多。大会开始时,他们可以把迷惑留在马~背后,藏得完全看不见,直到他们要牵它出来示众。这显然是件好事;因为他们惟一取胜的机会,就在于突然叫纳尼亚野兽们意想不到地大吃一惊。
Everyone agreed and the whole party set off on a new line - North-West - towards the hated Hill. The Eagle sometimes flew to and fro above them, sometimes he sat perched on Puzzle's back. No one - not even the King himself except in some great need - would dream of riding on a Unicorn.大家都同意这个方案,于是整个队伍沿着一条新的路线——朝西北方向——向那可恨的山头进发。老鹰有时在他们的上方飞来飞去,有时坐在迷惑的背脊上休息。没有人会妄想骑一头独角兽走路的——除了有重大的必要性,连国王也不骑独角兽代步的。
This time Jill and Eustace walked together. They had been feeling very brave when they were begging to be allowed to come with the others, but now they didn't feel brave at all.这一次,吉尔和尤斯塔斯一起行走。他们恳求国王允许他们跟其他的人一起来作战时,曾经感到自己十分勇敢,但现在他们压根儿不感到勇敢了。
"Pole," said Eustace in a whisper. "I may as well tell you I've got the wind up.""波尔,"尤斯塔斯悄悄地说道,"我还是告诉你吧,我已经心惊肉跳了。"
"Oh you're all right, Scrubb," said Jill. "You can fight. But I - I'm just shaking, if you want to know the truth.""啊,斯克罗布,你行,"吉尔说道,"你能打仗。但我——我正在发抖,如果想知道真相的话。"
"Oh shaking's nothing," said Eustace. "I'm feeling I'm going to be sick.""啊,发抖不算什么,"尤斯塔斯说,"我觉得我快要生病了。"
"Don't talk about that, for goodness' sake," said Jill."天哪,别提它了。"吉尔说。
They went on in silence for a minute or two.他们默不作声地走了两分钟。
"Pole," said Eustace presently."波尔。"尤斯塔斯不久又开口了。
"What?" said she."什么事?"她说。
"What'll happen if we get killed here?""如果我们在这儿给杀死了,会发生什么事呢?"
"Well we'll be dead, I suppose." "我想,我们就成了死人了。"

The King's first idea was that they should not go back to Stable Hill - they were sick of the very name of it by now till after dark. But the Dwarf told them that if they arrived there by daylight they would probably find the place deserted, except perhaps for a Calormene sentry. The Beasts were far too frightened by what the Ape (and Ginger) had told them about this new angry Aslan - or Tashlan - to go near it except when they were called together for these horrible midnight meetings. And Calormenes are never good woodsmen. Poggin thought that even by daylight they could easily get round to somewhere behind the stable without being seen. This would be much harder to do when the night had come and the Ape might be calling the Beasts together and all the Calormenes were on duty. And when the meeting did begin they could leave Puzzle at the back of the stable, completely out of sight, till the moment at which they wanted to produce him. This was obviously a good thing: for their only chance was to give the Narnians a sudden surprise.

Everyone agreed and the whole party set off on a new line - North-West - towards the hated Hill. The Eagle sometimes flew to and fro above them, sometimes he sat perched on Puzzle's back. No one - not even the King himself except in some great need - would dream of riding on a Unicorn.

This time Jill and Eustace walked together. They had been feeling very brave when they were begging to be allowed to come with the others, but now they didn't feel brave at all.

"Pole," said Eustace in a whisper. "I may as well tell you I've got the wind up."

"Oh you're all right, Scrubb," said Jill. "You can fight. But I - I'm just shaking, if you want to know the truth."

"Oh shaking's nothing," said Eustace. "I'm feeling I'm going to be sick."

"Don't talk about that, for goodness' sake," said Jill.

They went on in silence for a minute or two.

"Pole," said Eustace presently.

"What?" said she.

"What'll happen if we get killed here?"

"Well we'll be dead, I suppose."













重点单词   查看全部解释    
eagle ['i:gl]


n. 鹰
vt. (高尔夫)鹰击

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

unicorn ['ju:nikɔ:n]


n. (传说中的)独角兽

pole [pəul]


n. 杆,柱,极点
v. (用杆)支撑

fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<





