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初中英语山东版七年级下 Unit1-B:你能来参加我的聚会吗

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Unit 1 Can you come to my party?
Section B
1a Write the dates for this week on the calendar
1b Write these words below the correct dates
on the calendar.
today tomorrow yesterday
the day after tomorrow
Ask and answer questions about the days in 1a.
What's today?
It's Monday the 14th.
2a Listen.Can Vince play tennis with Andy?
Circle Yes or No.
Hi,Vince? Yeah,hi,Andy!
Vince,can you play tennis with me?
Uh,when? Today.
Uh,no,sorry,I can't.
I have to go to the doctor and study for a text today.
How about tomorrow?
Sorry,tomorrow I'm playing soccer,
and I have a piano lesson.
Oh.Well,what are you doing
the day after tomorrow?
I have to babysit my siter. Oh,I see.
I'm sorry,Andy.I'm really busy this week!
2b Listen again.
Look at the chart above.
Match Vince's activities with the days.
Role play.
Student A is Andy,and Student B is Vince.
Andy,invite Vince to play tennis.
Hi,Vince,can you play tennis with me?
Sorry,I can't. I ..
3a Read the e-mail message.
Then complete Sonia's calendar below.
Hi Henry,Thank you for your invitation.
I'm sorry I can't visit you this week.
I am really busy.
This evening I'm going to my cousin's birthday party.
And tomorrow,I have to go to the dentist.
(Yuck!)On Wednesday,I have tennis training with the school team.
And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday.On Friday evening,
I'm going to movies with some friends.
Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?
Write soon. Sonia
3b Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message.
Use "I'm + verb + ing" or "I have to + verb".
3c Write an e-mail message to a friend.
Say why you can't visit next week.
4 GROUPWORK Plan a party!
Write everything you have to do next week on the calendar.
Choose a day and time to have a party.
Then invite classmates to your party.
Can you come to my party?
When is it?
Next week.On Thursday night.
I'm sorry.I have to study for a math test.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dentist ['dentist]


n. 牙科医生

invitation [.invi'teiʃən]


n. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

calendar ['kæləndə]


n. 日历,月历,日程表
vt. 把 ...





