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听力万花筒 第61期:《星球大战7》英国取景 老版主演齐回归

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Star Wars: New Movie To Be Made In Britain

The Chancellor says "The Force" is strong in the UK as Disney's Lucasfilm takes advantage of the country's tax incentives.


《星球大战7》由《星际迷航》的J-J-艾勃拉姆斯担当导演,影片可能根据1954年日本著名电影《七武士》进行创作。卢卡斯电影公司的CEO——好莱坞著名大导演乔治-卢卡斯对外界表示:“在过去的35年中,我最欣慰的事情就是看到《星球大战》系列电影被一代又一代人喜欢。现在,是时候让这套电影传递给新一代观众了——需要新的创作者延续这套系列电影,我希望在有生之年,看到这个系列能继续拍下去。”曾为皮克斯动画经典《玩具总动员3》撰写剧本的奥斯卡金牌编剧迈克尔-阿德特(Michael Arndt),将率先为《星球大战7》操刀剧本。

It seems rebel forces and the Empire have agreed to pitch their next battle in Buckinghamshire. The new Star Wars trilogy will be made in the UK where much of this original was filmed, and Pinewood Studio is tipped as the mostly likely venue for Jedies and Droids to gather.

These characters have braced our studios before, the very first Star Wars film was made in the UK back in 1976, and my friend here along with 200 other characters was designed and built in this very room, in Twickenham.

Designers Andrew Ainsworth explains the attraction of Britain to film makers.

We have a lot of talents in England, we always have had. We’re very adaptable, and let’s face it, the economy is a bit low, and people are hungry for work, so anybody, like Disney, with a big business sense, a good business sense, would say I’m gonna get money for value there.

And there are plenty of actors looking for roles.

I’ve very much hope to get a part, propping lots of the tense at the moment, and I’m actually hoping at the moment, JJ Abrams is watching Sky News so that he may well consider giving me a role. See, you know, I’ve been part of Star Wars since the very first film I worked on in 1991, and I was involved with a prequel(先行篇;前篇), so it would be lovely to get a step back in just for a small cameo.

So Pinewood which has housed Harry Potter and James Bond will now welcome characters such as Uda. The Chancellor says, it’s the tax breaks fall that they have come.

I’ve got personally involved in trying to persuade the Lucasfilms to bring Star Wars to the UK, so I’m absolutely delighted, and you know, it looks like the force is stronger this one.

Last something for the Chancellor to laugh at.

I’m sorry.

Like other movies, Star Wars VII can get tax relief if 25% of the expenditure takes place in the UK, which can be claimed on up to 80% of the total budget. Before, 6 Star Wars box office sales totaled £2.8bn. At merchandising, it’s estimated they’ve made £17.6bn. But billionaires do like tax breaks.

Many, many years ago, the Britain didn’t support the film industry, when I came here, it was, you know, one of its last legs, and fortunately, now it’s lots steadier.

The new star wars is expected to feature old characters, such as Harrison Fords, Han Solo. It starts production next year, and the Empire is back in cinemas in 2015.

Jason Ferrell, Sky News.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
expenditure [iks'penditʃə]


n. (时间、劳力、金钱等)支出,使用,消耗

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

solo ['səuləu]


n. 独奏,独唱
adj. 单独的

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比

bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结

trilogy ['trilədʒi]


n. 三部曲

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

gather ['gæðə]


v. 聚集,聚拢,集合
n. 集合,聚集

advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]


n. 优势,有利条件
vt. 有利于

budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算





