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When the Macintosh was first being developed, Jobs went up to visit Gates at his office near Seattle. Microsoft had written some applications for the Apple II, including a spreadsheet program called Multiplan, and Jobs wanted to excite Gates and Co. about doing even more for the forthcoming Macintosh. Sitting in Gates’s conference room, Jobs spun an enticing vision of a computer for the masses, with a friendly interface, which would be churned out by the millions in an automated California factory. His description of the dream factory sucking in the California silicon components and turning out finished Macintoshes caused the Microsoft team to code-name the project “Sand.” They even reverse-engineered it into an acronym, for “Steve’s amazing new device.”


Gates had launched Microsoft by writing a version of BASIC, a programming language, for the Altair. Jobs wanted Microsoft to write a version of BASIC for the Macintosh, because Wozniak—despite much prodding by Jobs—had never enhanced his version of the Apple II’s BASIC to handle floating-point numbers. In addition, Jobs wanted Microsoft to write application software—such as word processing and spreadsheet programs—for the Macintosh. At the time, Jobs was a king and Gates still a courtier: In 1982 Apple’s annual sales were $1 billion, while Microsoft’s were a mere $32 million. Gates signed on to do graphical versions of a new spreadsheet called Excel, a word-processing program called Word, and BASIC.

盖茨创立微软,是源于为阿尔泰计算机编写BASIC语言版本(BASIC是Beginner-sAll-purposeSymbolicInstructionCode的缩写,即初学者通用符号指令代码,是一种编程语言,非技术人员能够用它更容易地编写出可以跨平台运行的软件程序)。乔布斯希望微软为麦金塔电脑编写BASIC程序5因为尽管乔布斯多次敦促,沃兹尼亚克从未改进AppleII的BASIC语言版本以提髙处理浮点数的能力。此外,乔布斯还希望微软能为麦金塔电脑编写一些应用软件,如文字处理软件、图表和电子表格程序。盖茨签下了合同,除BASIC程序外,还为苹果公司开发图形界面版本的软件——文字处理程序Word和全新的电子表格软件Excel。 当时,乔布斯已功成名就,盖茨还只是个跟班:1984年,苹果公司的年销售额达15亿美元,而微软只有1亿美元。因此,盖茨前往库比蒂诺观看麦金塔操作系统的演示,同行的还有三位微软的同事,其中包括查尔斯·西蒙尼(CharlesSimonyi),他曾在施乐工作。由于麦金塔电脑当时还没有完整可用的样机,安迪·赫茨菲尔德只能在丽萨电脑上运行麦金塔软件,并通过麦金塔电脑样机的屏幕进行显示。

Gates frequently went to Cupertino for demonstrations of the Macintosh operating system, and he was not very impressed. “I remember the first time we went down, Steve had this app where it was just things bouncing around on the screen,” he said. “That was the only app that ran.” Gates was also put off by Jobs’s attitude. “It was kind of a weird seduction visit, where Steve was saying, ‘We don’t really need you and we’re doing this great thing, and it’s under the cover.’ He’s in his Steve Jobs sales mode, but kind of the sales mode that also says, ‘I don’t need you, but I might let you be involved.’”


The Macintosh pirates found Gates hard to take. “You could tell that Bill Gates was not a very good listener. He couldn’t bear to have anyone explain how something worked to him—he had to leap ahead instead and guess about how he thought it would work,” Hertzfeld recalled. They showed him how the Macintosh’s cursor moved smoothly across the screen without flickering. “What kind of hardware do you use to draw the cursor?” Gates asked. Hertzfeld, who took great pride that they could achieve their functionality solely using software, replied, “We don’t have any special hardware for it!” Gates insisted that it was necessary to have special hardware to move the cursor that way. “So what do you say to somebody like that?” Bruce Horn, one of the Macintosh engineers, later said. “It made it clear to me that Gates was not the kind of person that would understand or appreciate the elegance of a Macintosh.”


Despite their mutual wariness, both teams were excited by the prospect that Microsoft would create graphical software for the Macintosh that would take personal computing into a new realm, and they went to dinner at a fancy restaurant to celebrate. Microsoft soon dedicated a large team to the task. “We had more people working on the Mac than he did,” Gates said. “He had about fourteen or fifteen people. We had like twenty people. We really bet our life on it.” And even though Jobs thought that they didn’t exhibit much taste, the Microsoft programmers were persistent. “They came out with applications that were terrible,” Jobs recalled, “but they kept at it and they made them better.” Eventually Jobs became so enamored of Excel that he made a secret bargain with Gates: If Microsoft would make Excel exclusively for the Macintosh for two years, and not make a version for IBM PCs, then Jobs would shut down his team working on a version of BASIC for the Macintosh and instead indefinitely license Microsoft’s BASIC. Gates smartly took the deal, which infuriated the Apple team whose project got canceled and gave Microsoft a lever in future negotiations.


For the time being, Gates and Jobs forged a bond. That summer they went to a conference hosted by the industry analyst Ben Rosen at a Playboy Club retreat in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, where nobody knew about the graphical interfaces that Apple was developing. “Everybody was acting like the IBM PC was everything, which was nice, but Steve and I were kind of smiling that, hey, we’ve got something,” Gates recalled. “And he’s kind of leaking, but nobody actually caught on.” Gates became a regular at Apple retreats. “I went to every luau,” said Gates. “I was part of the crew.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

listener ['lisənə]


n. 听者,听众

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

explosion [iks'pləuʒən]


n. 爆炸,爆发,激增

hub [hʌb]


n. 毂,木片,中心

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

exclusively [iks'klu:sivli]


adv. 排他地(独占地,专门地,仅仅,只)

distinction [dis'tiŋkʃən]


n. 差别,对比,区分,荣誉,优秀

silicon ['silikən]


n. 硅

affinity [ə'finiti]


n. 姻亲,密切关系,吸引力


关键字: 乔布斯 传记 名人




