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高考英语听力每日一练 第274期

来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Good afternoon, everyone. I'm sure you are looking forward to meeting the families you're going to be staying with during the next 4 weeks. Now, please listen carefully to the following arrangements as the various families are waiting in groups to meet you.
If your name begins with the letter A to F, your host family will be waiting for you in this hall. At the end of the meeting, you should wait behind in here. Now, for those of you whose names begin with G to L, you should go downstairs to the dining room. When you get there, go to the far end of the room by the drinks machine. That's important as people whose names begin with a letter from M to R should go downstairs and wait at the opposite end of the dining room, near the doors into the garden. And the final group, those with names from S to Z, must go out of this hall, past the office to the car park--out to where the cars are parked by the main gate and your families will be waiting there.

(1) Arrangements
(2) hall
(3) dining
(4) garden
(5) park




