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小学英语深圳双语版五年级(下)(MP3+字幕)Chapter4: Eating habits

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Chapter4: Eating habits

第四课: 饮食习惯

B The school nurse is telling the children about a healthy diet.Act the nurse.
This is Fred.He has an unhealthy diet.He eats too much meat.
He drinks too many soft drinks.He doesn't eat enough vegetables.Now you try.
C Harry is having lunch with Tom.Read their conversation.
You look fit.Tom,How can I get fit like you?
I have a healthy diet.1 I eat plenty of vegetables and fruit.
2 I don't eat too many sweets.3 I don't eat too much fried food.
4 I don't drink too many soft drinks.5 I drink plenty of water.
Tom is given Harry some friendly advice.Act Tom.Finish the sentences.Here are these examples.
1 Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
2 Don't eat too many sweets.Now you do the rest.
D Reading:Harry goes to Fit Camp.Harry Chan was overweight.
He was unhappy beacause he could not run as fast as the other chlidren .
'What's the matter,Harry?'His mother asked.
'I'm too fat.I can't keep up with the others,'said Harry.
'Have a look at this newspaper article.
I've just read about a camp for children like you,'said Mrs Chan.
Getting Fit at Fit Camp
Dr Alfred Wong has started a camp in Sha Tin to help fat children get fit.
'Many children in Hong Kong are fat because they eat too much fried food and too many sweets.
Fried food and sweets are not good for them,'says Dr Wong.
Children can go to this camp in the holidays.
They learn to eat heathly food and take exercise.
Harry went to Fit Camp in the summer holidays.His mother went too.
Harry learned to choose foods that was good for him.
He fond that heatyly food tasted nice.
Mrs Chan learned how to cook healthy food for her family.
Every day Harry did some exercise.
He made friends with the other children at the camp.He was much happier.
When Harry went back to school,He was healthy and fit.
The other children were very surpised when they saw him.
'Wow!What happened to you.Harry?'they said.Harry laughed happily.
'I've been to a great camp and I've learned to eat healhy food,'he said.
After that,Harry could join in all the games at school.
E Are these sentences about the story true or false?Put a tick or a cross.
1 Harry was unhappy because he ate too much.
2 Mrs Chan read about Fit Camp in the newspaper.
3 Dr Wong started Fit Camp to help children to get fat .
4 Mrs Chan learned about healthy food at Fit Camp.
5 Harry was surprised when he went back to school.
F Harry is watching a TV programme about healthy old people.
Read about Granny Cheng's eating habits.
You're very healthy,Granny Cheng.What advice can you give us about a healthy diet?
Don't eat too much salted food.Salted food is not good for us .
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit.Vegetables and fruit are good for us.
Don't drink too much coffee.Coffee is not good for us.
Don't eat too many sweets.Sweets are not good for us.
Drink plenty of water.Water is good for us.
Harry's grandmother is asking him about Granny Cheng.Act Harry and his grandmother.
Why is Granny Cheng so healthy?Because she has a healthy diet.
She doesn't eat too much salted food.
She eats plenty of vegetables and fruit.Now you do the rest
Chapter 5 A healthy meal
A The children are having a buffet lunch.What food do they like?
Candy likes fruit tarts and grapes.Same likes steamed fish and fried rice.
Picture 1 fruit tarts Picture 2 soup
Picture 3 prawns Picture 4 roast beef
Picture 5 steamed fish Picture 6 fried rice
Picture 7 chicken wings Picture 8 grapes
B Peter and Sally have taken a lot of food.Talk about the food on their plates.Here are the examples.
There is a little fish on Peter's plate.
There are a few prawns and a lot of vegetables.
There is a little fish on Peter's plate.
There are a lot of prawns and few vegetables.Now you try.
C Who has more food.Peter or Sally?Tick the grid.Tell your friend.Here are some examples.
Peter has more prawns than Sally.
Sally has fewer chicken wings than Peter.
Sally has more fish than Peter.
Peter has less soup than Sally.Now you try.
Whose meal do you think is healthier?Now talk about Sam and Candy's food.
D Read this play.
Picture 1 The Big family loved eating sweets and fried food.
Mrs Big: We're all too fat.We must go on a diet.
We should eat less food and exercise more.
Picture 2 One day Mrs Big's sister came to visit them.
She gave the family a chocolate cake.
Mr Big:Oh, look! It's a cake!Shall we eat it now or later?
Mrs Big:We won't eat it now.We'll keep it for visitors.
Cake is not good for us.We're on a diet.Remember?
Picture 3 That night Mr Big could not sleep.He went to the kitchen.
Mr Big:Chocolate cake is my favourite.I'll just cut a small piece.
Mr Big ate some cake and went back to bed.
After a while,Billy went to the kitchen.
Billy:We only had salad for dinner.I'm so hungry.I must eat something.
I know!I'll have a piece of that cake.
Billy ate some cake and went back to bed.
Picture 4 Mrs Big could not sleep either.
Mrs Big:I can't stop thinking about the cake in the kitchen.
I can't wait any longer.I must have a piece.I'll only have a small piece.
Mrs Big went into the kitchen.Mrs Big:Why is there only one piece left?
Picture 5 Mr Big and Billy heard a noise in the kitchen.
They went in and turned on the light.
Oh,we've caught you.You say we mustn't eat the cake.
So,what's you doing?
Mr Big:Well,all elephants are big.We shouldn't go on a diet.
The Big family were very happy.No more diets!
Now act the play in group of four.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
candy ['kændi]


n. 糖果
vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

unhealthy [ʌn'helθi]


adj. 不健康的,不卫生的,病态的,危险的

tin [tin]


n. 罐头,锡,听头
adj. 锡制的





