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China's Econ Sizzles, But Flaws Limit Global

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China's Econ Sizzles, But Flaws Limit Global Role 中国经济尚无力支撑全球发展

While China delivered another quarter of double-digit economic growth, its persistent weakness in consumption is likely to limit how much support the nation can provide to the global economy as the U.S. slows.

Data announced Thursday show that China is still growing extremely rapidly, with year-to-year expansion of 11.5% in the third quarter, although the pace of growth has eased after government measures to prevent the economy from spiraling out of control.

The latest statistics also show that consumer spending is accounting for a smaller share of Chinese economic growth this year than last, and the dependence on exports has increased. Stronger consumption would help address trade imbalances and increase the chance of China playing a bigger role in helping sustain the world's economic expansion.

Thursday's announcement contained some encouraging news. The third-quarter growth rate was a modest slowdown from the worryingly high 11.9% rate for the second quarter. Inflation, although still high at 6.2%, also has come down slightly from its recent peak.

Those results were enough for government officials to claim that their recent policies -- including higher lending costs at banks and lower tax benefits for exporters -- have averted overheating for now. Analysts now forecast a gradual easing in the pace of China's expansion in coming months.

Growth in gross domestic product is likely to fall below 11% in 2008 -- still extraordinarily fast by global standards, especially for a country that will soon edge out Germany as the world's third-largest economy. Whether China's rapid growth can be maintained has become increasingly important as the possibility of a recession in the U.S. has risen.

Action Economics驻新加坡的经济学家大卫•科恩(David Cohen)说,以前,如果美国经济陷入危机,全球都难以保持增长;现在看来继续维持增长的机会则多了一些,因为随着亚洲经济的迅猛增长,美国的重要性比五、六年前有所降低。
'Previously, when the U.S. would falter, we would see that global growth would evaporate. It seems that there's a little more of a chance of growth being sustained right now,' says David Cohen of Action Economics in Singapore. 'The U.S. is somewhat less important than it was a half-dozen years ago because of the dramatic growth of Asia.'

The acceleration in China's economy in the past few years has had two main drivers: a boom in housing, infrastructure and factory construction, and a dramatic surge in exports. There has been a slight moderation in both areas in recent months, but growth continues at a high rate: Investment spending has expanded by 25.7% so far this year, compared with a 27.3% gain at the same point of 2006. And China's trade surplus, which leapt 74% in the second quarter, increased a mere 50% in the third quarter, a slowdown that mostly reflects tax changes for exporters and a high base of comparison last year.

Yet both of those sources of growth hold risks, which have increased as China's reliance on them has grown. Enthusiastic companies and local governments are investing in lots of projects now, but many of them could turn out to be unnecessary in a few years' time, creating a drag on the economy. And while the export-manufacturing sector is humming as consumers in the U.S., Europe and Japan snap up Chinese-made goods, a drop in consumer spending in rich countries could hit it hard. That has prompted many calls, both inside and outside China, for a shift in the country's growth model.

美国财政部长亨利•鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)周二在讲话中表示:“中国向世界证明了它能够实现快速增长,但它能以不同的方式增长,最终实现更明智的增长吗?”他指出,为使经济增长摆脱对重工业、高能耗和出口的依赖,中国需要大胆地进行结构性政策调整。
'China has proven to the world that it can grow fast, but can it grow differently and, ultimately, grow smarter?' U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in a speech on Tuesday. 'Bold structural policies are needed to shift China's growth away from heavy industry, high energy use and dependence on exports.'

中国政府表示它正在向这个方向进行转变。中国国家统计局(National Bureau of Statistics)发言人李晓超在周四通报国民经济运行情况的新闻发布会上表示,调整投资和消费的关系一直是近年来中国宏观调控的一个重点,目的就是要增加消费对经济增长的贡献。他说,收入增长和社会福利项目使中国消费者的手头更加宽裕了。
China's government says it is moving in that direction. 'Increasing the contribution of consumption to economic growth has been an important focus of our economic policies in the last few years,' Li Xiaochao, spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics, told reporters Thursday as he announced the latest figures. He said wage increases and welfare programs are putting more money in Chinese consumers' pockets.

Mr. Li said preliminary estimates show consumer spending has accounted for 37% of China's economic growth so far this year. Yet that means consumption is actually becoming relatively less important: It contributed 39% to growth in all of 2006, according to figures previously published by his bureau. And China's dependence on exports, which accounted for 21.4% of economic gains in the first nine months of 2007, as well as on investment, which contributed 41.6%, has increased.

The relatively large role of exports, and the relatively smaller role of consumer spending, in China's economy is one reason why its growth hasn't become more of a driver of activity elsewhere. China's construction boom has benefited the world's producers of raw materials and heavy equipment, but its consumers don't buy many other goods from overseas.

国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)亚太地区事务部副主任史蒂文•杜纳威(Steven Dunaway)曾在10月19日表示,虽然中国和印度等新兴经济大国在全球经济增长中占据了很高比重,但就全球而言,增长的原动力仍来自世界其它国家各自的国内需求,而非由亚洲本地区创造的国内需求所带动。
The big emerging economies of China and India 'do account for a lot of growth, but the initial impetus to growth still comes very much from domestic demand in the rest of the world and not domestic demand generated independently in Asia,' Steven Dunaway, deputy director of the International Monetary Fund's Asia and Pacific department, said on Oct. 19.

That means trends in the global economy are becoming more, not less, important to China. Mr. Li, the statistics-bureau spokesman, said the weakening U.S. real-estate market, the fallout from the subprime-mortgage crisis, and high oil prices are major global risks that could affect China. 'Because prospects for world economic development are uncertain, there is also some uncertainty about the impact on our nation,' Mr. Li told reporters, adding that his government is ready to take what policies are necessary to ensure 'the fast and stable growth' of the Chinese economy.

Andrew Batson

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reliance [ri'laiəns]


n. 信赖,所信赖的人或物

weakness ['wi:knis]


n. 软弱

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

uncertainty [ʌn'sə:tnti]


n. 不确定,不可靠,半信半疑 (学术)不可信度; 偏差

announced [ə'naunst]



address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

persistent [pə'sistənt]


adj. 固执的,坚持的,连续的

emerging [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来

moderation [.mɔdə'reiʃən]


n. 缓和,适度,节制

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演





