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《美食祈祷和恋爱》Chapter 104 (249):生命中的超现实时光

来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Maybe I'm not getting across how fun all this is. Truly, it's so much odd and satisfying fun, trying to figure all this out. Or maybe I'm just enjoying this surreal moment in my life so much because I happen to be falling in love, and that always makes the world seem delightful, no matter how insane your reality.或许我尚未理解到这一切是多么有趣。说实话,想办法去理解这一切,既古怪却又有趣得很。或许我之所以十分享受生命中这段超现实时光,只是因为我碰巧谈恋爱了,这向来让世界看起来如此可爱,无论周遭现实何等疯狂。
I always liked Felipe. But there's something about the way he takes on The Saga of Way-an's House that brings us together during the month of August like a real couple. It's none of his concern, of course, what happens to this trippy Balinese medicine woman. He's a busi-nessman. He's managed to live in Bali for five years without getting too entwined in the per-sonal lives and complex rituals of the Balinese, but suddenly here he is wading with me through muddy rice paddies and trying to find a priest who will give Wayan an auspicious date.我一向喜爱斐利贝。但他在八月间"大姐之家的故事"当中的表现方式,让我们像真正的夫妻般。当然,这位颠颠倒倒的巴厘女药师发生什么事,并不干他的事。他是生意人。他住在巴厘岛将近五年,却未与巴厘岛人的个人生活和复杂仪式有过度牵扯,突然间却和我涉过泥泞的稻田,寻找能带给大姐吉日的祭司……
"I was perfectly happy in my boring life before you came along," he always says."在遇上你之前,我愉快地过着自己的无聊生活。"他经常这样说。
He was bored in Bali before. He was languid and killing time, a character from a Graham Greene novel. That indolence stopped the moment we were introduced. Now that we're together, I get to hear Felipe's version of how we met, a delicious story I never tire of hearing—about how he saw me at the party that night, standing with my back to him, and how I did not even need to turn my head and show him my face before he had realized somewhere deep in his gut, "That is my woman. I will do anything to have that woman."从前他在巴厘岛很无聊。他没精打采地混日子,像葛林(GrahamGreene)小说中的人物。我们一认识,怠惰感立即停止。如今我们既然在一起,我得以聆听斐利贝自己的说法,有关我们如何相识的过程,我从未听腻的美好故事——他在那晚的派对上如何凝望我,即便我背对着他,甚至我无需转头让他看见我的脸,他内心即已明了:"她是我的女人。为了拥有这个女人,我愿意做任何事。"
"And it was easy to get you," he says. "All I had to do was beg and plead for weeks.""得到你并不难,"他说,"我只须苦苦哀求几个星期。"
"You didn't beg and plead.""你才没苦苦哀求。"
"You didn't notice me begging and pleading?""你没注意到我苦苦哀求?"
He talks about how we went dancing that first night we met, and how he watched me get all attracted to that cute Welsh guy, and how his heart sank as he saw the scene unfolding, thinking, "I'm putting all this work into seducing this woman, and now that handsome young guy's just going to take her from me and bring so much complication into her life—if only she knew how much love I could offer her." Which he can. He's a caregiver by nature, and I can feel him going into a kind of orbit around me, making me the key directional setting for his compass, growing into the role of being my attendant knight. Felipe is the kind of man who desperately needs a woman in his life—but not so that he can be taken care of; only so that he can have someone to care for, someone to consecrate himself to. Having lived without such a relationship ever since his marriage ended, he's been adrift in life recently, but now he is organizing himself around me. It's lovely to be treated this way. But it also scares me. I hear him downstairs sometimes mak-ing me dinner as I am lounging upstairs reading, and he's whistling some happy Brazilian samba, calling up, "Darling—would you like another glass of wine?" and I wonder if I am cap-able of being somebody's sun, somebody's everything. Am I centered enough now to be the center of somebody else's life? But when I finally brought up the topic with him one night, he said, "Have I asked you to be that person, darling? Have I asked you to be the center of my life?" 他说起我们头一晚见面去跳舞,他看我完全着迷于那个俊俏的威尔士家伙,形势的发展使他心情低落,心想:"我极力引诱这名女人,而现在那个小白脸就要把她抢走,给她的生活带来许多麻烦——但愿她知道我有能力给她多少爱。" 他的确有能力。他是个天生的照顾者,我能感觉他进入我身边的轨道中,让我成为他的指南针所设定的方向,而他则变成我的随从骑士。斐利贝是那种亟需生命中有个女人的男人——不是为了让自己被人照顾,而是为了有个人让他照顾,让他奉献。他从结束婚姻后,生活中未曾再有过此种关系,近来一直过着漂泊不定的生活,但现在他把自己组织起来,包围着我。被人如此对待是件好事,却也令我害怕。有时我听见他在楼下做晚饭给我吃,我则在楼上悠闲地看书,听他哼着愉快的巴西森巴,朝楼上呼喊:"甜心——想不想再来杯酒?"而我心想,自己有没有能力成为某人的太阳,某人的一切?此时的我是否足够集中,得以成为他人的生活中心?某晚我终于跟他提起这个话题,他说:"我可曾要求你成为这样的人,甜心?我可曾要求你成为我的生活中心?"

Maybe I'm not getting across how fun all this is. Truly, it's so much odd and satisfying fun, trying to figure all this out. Or maybe I'm just enjoying this surreal moment in my life so much because I happen to be falling in love, and that always makes the world seem delightful, no matter how insane your reality.

I always liked Felipe. But there's something about the way he takes on The Saga of Way-an's House that brings us together during the month of August like a real couple. It's none of his concern, of course, what happens to this trippy Balinese medicine woman. He's a busi-nessman. He's managed to live in Bali for five years without getting too entwined in the per-sonal lives and complex rituals of the Balinese, but suddenly here he is wading with me through muddy rice paddies and trying to find a priest who will give Wayan an auspicious date.

"I was perfectly happy in my boring life before you came along," he always says.

He was bored in Bali before. He was languid and killing time, a character from a Graham Greene novel. That indolence stopped the moment we were introduced. Now that we're together, I get to hear Felipe's version of how we met, a delicious story I never tire of hearing—about how he saw me at the party that night, standing with my back to him, and how I did not even need to turn my head and show him my face before he had realized somewhere deep in his gut, "That is my woman. I will do anything to have that woman."

"And it was easy to get you," he says. "All I had to do was beg and plead for weeks."

"You didn't beg and plead."

"You didn't notice me begging and pleading?"

He talks about how we went dancing that first night we met, and how he watched me get all attracted to that cute Welsh guy, and how his heart sank as he saw the scene unfolding, thinking, "I'm putting all this work into seducing this woman, and now that handsome young guy's just going to take her from me and bring so much complication into her life—if only she knew how much love I could offer her." Which he can. He's a caregiver by nature, and I can feel him going into a kind of orbit around me, making me the key directional setting for his compass, growing into the role of being my attendant knight. Felipe is the kind of man who desperately needs a woman in his life—but not so that he can be taken care of; only so that he can have someone to care for, someone to consecrate himself to. Having lived without such a relationship ever since his marriage ended, he's been adrift in life recently, but now he is organizing himself around me. It's lovely to be treated this way. But it also scares me. I hear him downstairs sometimes mak-ing me dinner as I am lounging upstairs reading, and he's whistling some happy Brazilian samba, calling up, "Darling—would you like another glass of wine?" and I wonder if I am cap-able of being somebody's sun, somebody's everything. Am I centered enough now to be the center of somebody else's life? But when I finally brought up the topic with him one night, he said, "Have I asked you to be that person, darling? Have I asked you to be the center of my life?"








他说起我们头一晚见面去跳舞,他看我完全着迷于那个俊俏的威尔士家伙,形势的发展使他心情低落,心想:"我极力引诱这名女人,而现在那个小白脸就要把她抢走,给她的生活带来许多麻烦——但愿她知道我有能力给她多少爱。" 他的确有能力。他是个天生的照顾者,我能感觉他进入我身边的轨道中,让我成为他的指南针所设定的方向,而他则变成我的随从骑士。斐利贝是那种亟需生命中有个女人的男人——不是为了让自己被人照顾,而是为了有个人让他照顾,让他奉献。他从结束婚姻后,生活中未曾再有过此种关系,近来一直过着漂泊不定的生活,但现在他把自己组织起来,包围着我。被人如此对待是件好事,却也令我害怕。有时我听见他在楼下做晚饭给我吃,我则在楼上悠闲地看书,听他哼着愉快的巴西森巴,朝楼上呼喊:"甜心——想不想再来杯酒?"而我心想,自己有没有能力成为某人的太阳,某人的一切?此时的我是否足够集中,得以成为他人的生活中心?某晚我终于跟他提起这个话题,他说:"我可曾要求你成为这样的人,甜心?我可曾要求你成为我的生活中心?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
complication [.kɔmpli'keiʃən]


n. 复杂,并发症,纠纷

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

attendant [ə'tendənt]


adj. 伴随的
n. 服务员,侍从,伴随物,

plead [pli:d]


v. 辩护,恳求,提出借口

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

delightful [di'laitfəl]


adj. 令人愉快的,可喜的

auspicious [ɔ:'spiʃəs]


adj. 吉兆的,幸运的,有利的

tire ['taiə]


n. 轮胎,金属圈
v. 使疲倦,厌烦





