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残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(204)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Faisal dabbed at the sweat beads above his lips. “I’m familiar with the version of the situation you gave Mr. Andrews,” he said. His cheeks dimpled with a coy smile. He turned to Sohrab. “This must be the young man who’s causing all the trouble,” he said in Farsi.费萨尔擦去唇边的汗水。“我清楚你告诉安德鲁先生的情况。”他说,脸上出现两个酒窝,泛起狡狺的微笑。他转向索拉博。“肯定就是这个少年惹起所有的麻烦吧?”他用法尔西语说。
“This is Sohrab,” I said. “Sohrab, this is Mr. Faisal, the lawyer I told you about.”“这是索拉博。”我说,“索拉博,他是费萨尔先生,我跟你说过的那个律师。”
Sohrab slid down the side of his bed and shook hands with Omar Faisal. “Salaam alaykum,” he said in a low voice.“Alaykum salaam, Sohrab,” Faisal said. “Did you know you are named after a great warrior?”索拉博从他的床上滑下来,跟费萨尔握手。“你好。”他低声说。“你好,索拉博。”费萨尔说,“你知道自己的名字来自一个了不起的战士吗?”
Sohrab nodded. Climbed back onto his bed and lay on his side to watch TV.索拉博点点头,爬回床上,继续侧身躺着看电视。
“I didn’t know you spoke Farsi so well,” I said in English. “Did you grow up in Kabul?”“我不知道你的法尔西语说得这么好,”我用英语说,“你在喀布尔长大吗?”
“No, I was born in Karachi. But I did live in Kabul for a number of years. Shar-e-Nau, near the Haji Yaghoub Mosque,” Faisal said. “I grew up in Berkeley, actually. My father opened a music store there in the late sixties. Free love, headbands, tiedyed shirts, you name it.” He leaned forward. “I was at Woodstock.”“Groovy,” I said, and Faisal laughed so hard he started sweating all over again. “Anyway,” I continued, “what I told Mr. Andrews was pretty much it, save for a thing or two. Or maybe three. I’ll give you the uncensored version.”“不是,我在卡拉奇[Karachi,巴基斯坦南部城市]出生,但在喀布尔生活了好几年。沙里诺区,靠近哈吉雅霍清真寺。”费萨尔说。“实际上,我在伯克利 [Berkeley,美国加州城市]长大。1960年代后期,我爸爸在那儿开了间唱片店。自由恋爱,染了领带的衬衫,你叫得出来的全都有。”他身体前倾,“我去过伍德斯托克音乐节 [Woodstock,位于纽约州东南,每年8月举办民谣和摇滚音乐节].”“太帅了!”我说。费萨尔哈哈大笑,又开始冒汗珠了。 “反正,”我继续说,“我跟安德鲁先生说得差不多了,省略掉一两件事,也许三件。我会完完整整告诉你。”
He licked a finger and flipped to a blank page, uncapped his pen. “I’d appreciate that, Amir. And why don’t we just keep it in English from here on out?”他舔了一根手指,翻到空白页,把笔帽打开。“那最好了,阿米尔。我们何不用英语交谈,免得外面的人听到?”

Faisal dabbed at the sweat beads above his lips. “I’m familiar with the version of the situation you gave Mr. Andrews,” he said. His cheeks dimpled with a coy smile. He turned to Sohrab. “This must be the young man who’s causing all the trouble,” he said in Farsi.
“This is Sohrab,” I said. “Sohrab, this is Mr. Faisal, the lawyer I told you about.”
Sohrab slid down the side of his bed and shook hands with Omar Faisal. “Salaam alaykum,” he said in a low voice.“Alaykum salaam, Sohrab,” Faisal said. “Did you know you are named after a great warrior?”
Sohrab nodded. Climbed back onto his bed and lay on his side to watch TV.
“I didn’t know you spoke Farsi so well,” I said in English. “Did you grow up in Kabul?”
“No, I was born in Karachi. But I did live in Kabul for a number of years. Shar-e-Nau, near the Haji Yaghoub Mosque,” Faisal said. “I grew up in Berkeley, actually. My father opened a music store there in the late sixties. Free love, headbands, tiedyed shirts, you name it.” He leaned forward. “I was at Woodstock.”“Groovy,” I said, and Faisal laughed so hard he started sweating all over again. “Anyway,” I continued, “what I told Mr. Andrews was pretty much it, save for a thing or two. Or maybe three. I’ll give you the uncensored version.”
He licked a finger and flipped to a blank page, uncapped his pen. “I’d appreciate that, Amir. And why don’t we just keep it in English from here on out?”

“不是,我在卡拉奇[Karachi,巴基斯坦南部城市]出生,但在喀布尔生活了好几年。沙里诺区,靠近哈吉雅霍清真寺。”费萨尔说。“实际上,我在伯克利 [Berkeley,美国加州城市]长大。1960年代后期,我爸爸在那儿开了间唱片店。自由恋爱,染了领带的衬衫,你叫得出来的全都有。”他身体前倾,“我去过伍德斯托克音乐节 [Woodstock,位于纽约州东南,每年8月举办民谣和摇滚音乐节].”“太帅了!”我说。费萨尔哈哈大笑,又开始冒汗珠了。 “反正,”我继续说,“我跟安德鲁先生说得差不多了,省略掉一两件事,也许三件。我会完完整整告诉你。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sweat [swet]


n. 汗,汗水
v. (使)出汗

coy [kɔi]


adj. 腼腆的,怕羞的,羞怯的 vi. 态度娇羞

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

warrior ['wɔ:riə]


n. 勇士,战士,武士

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意





