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来源:天道留学 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


  1.Chilean novelist and short-story writer María Luisa Bombal wrote innovative and influential stories featuring heroines which create fantasy worlds in order to escape from unfulfilling love relationships and restricted social roles.

  Answer Choices

  (A) heroines which create

  (B) heroines, they create

  (C) heroines, they created

  (D) heroines who create

  (E) heroines that were creating

  2.As it is primarily a bird of New Zealand’s native forests, the kiwi also lives in scrub and native grasslands.

  (A) As it is primarily

  (B) Although primarily

  (C) Because it lives primarily as

  (D) It is primarily

  (E) It lives primarily as

  3.The first 10,000 United States patents, known to be the X-patents, were burned in a fire in 1836.

  Answer Choices

  (A) to be

  (B) to have been

  (C) as

  (D) as they were

  (E) as being

  4.Rote learning, the process of memorizing by repetition, is how many young children learn the alphabet or the multiplication tables.

  Answer Choices

  (A) is how

  (B) is used for when

  (C) this is how

  (D) the way

  (E) which is used when

  5.One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms, another that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment.

  Answer Choices

  (A) symptoms, another that occurs

  (B) symptoms; another one that occurs

  (C) symptoms, the other, and it occurs

  (D) symptoms; another one which is occurring

  (E) symptoms and also occurring

  6.With the 1977 publication of Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison both received popular and critical acclaim.

  Answer Choices

  (A) both received popular and

  (B) both received popular and also

  (C) received popular, along with

  (D) received popular as well as

  (E) received both popular and also


  1.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the pronoun error of the original by using an appropriate relative pronoun (“who”) to refer to people (“heroines”).

  2.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the awkwardness of the original by using the word “Although” to introduce the comparison between the different habitats of the kiwi (“native forests” and “scrub and native grasslands”).

  3.The correct answer is C

  Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using the idiomatic “known as” instead of the awkward and unidiomatic “known to be.”

  4.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. It avoids the errors of the other options by using a main verb, “is,” to link the subject of the sentence, “Rote learning,” to a description of the ways in which this type of learning is used.

  5.The correct answer is B

  This sentence illustrates a comma splice, the incorrect use of a comma to connect two complete sentences. Choice (B) correctly uses a semicolon to coordinate two independent clauses and form a compound sentence (while at the same time keeping verb tenses parallel). The correct sentence reads: One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms; another one that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment.

  6.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by replacing the awkward and misused “both … and” construction with the much simpler “as well as.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

coordinate [kəu'ɔ:dneit,kəu'ɔ:dnit]


n. 同等的人物; (色调,图案,样式等)配套服装

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

awkwardness ['ɔ:kwədnis]


n. 笨拙

appropriate [ə'prəupriət]


adj. 适当的,相称的
vt. 拨出(款项)

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

splice [splais]


v. & n. 接合,衔接 vt. 拼接

fantasy ['fæntəsi]


n. 幻想
v. 幻想

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较

influential [.influ'enʃəl]


adj. 有权势的,有影响的
n. 有影响力的





