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音乐咖啡厅:Something In The Air(跨界天后Sarah Brightman)

来源:可可英语 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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 Sarah Brightman 莎拉·布莱曼 是继世界三大男高音帕瓦罗蒂,卡雷拉斯和多明戈之后世界乐坛涌现出的另一个天后级人物。她与安德烈·波伽利被称为是跨越古典与流行的标志性艺人。在世界歌坛风行古典流行跨界互相交融的今天,莎拉·布莱曼无疑站在了这个潮流的最前沿。她曾创造了单曲全球销量超过1000万张的惊人记录,她因此在全世界拥有无数的听众和歌迷,她的歌迷不仅来自歌剧界,舞台剧和古典音乐界,更有大量歌迷是喜欢流行音乐的年轻人和发烧友。她和她的音乐在各大媒体的爆光度,播放率和点播率最高。

Something In The Air--Sarah Brightman (专辑: Fly)

Deep within your mind you have been blind
Look around and find
There's something in the air
Sometimes i can read it in your eyes
Keep the dream alive
There's something in the air

Don't know why the truth becomes a lie
Makes me wanna cry
There's something in the air
And i can feel it ... oh yeah
And i can feel it ... everywhere
Tom jones
There is something in the air

Our tears will dry tomorrow
No more pain or sorrow
There's something in the air
All the darkness turns to sunlight
(the) dawnig hits the long night
There's something in the air
Sarah brightman

We can heal the wounds of time together
It'll be forever
There's something in the air
I can feel the love that i desire
Come on take me higher
There's something in the air
Tom jones

There is something in the air
Our tears will dry tomorrow
No more pain or sorrow
There's something in the air
All the darkness turns to sunlight
(the) dawnig hits the long night
There's something in the air
Sarah brightman

We can heal the wounds of time together
It'll be forever
There's something in the air
I can feel the love that i desire
Come on take me higher
There's something in the air




