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轻柔:Eva Avila - I'm sorry

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歌曲I'm sorry

艺人: Eva Avila


所属专辑: Give Me The Music

发行年代: 2008

风格: Pop

相关介绍: 1987年2月25日出生于安大略省的渥太华,成长在法语省魁北克,拉丁裔.她的母亲是法裔加拿大人,父亲是秘鲁移民。Eva Avila从小向父亲学习唱歌,会说英、法、西班牙三国语言,家里给她取绰号叫(Eva the dragon)。她在三岁时就登台表演,9岁候获得了一档电视天才秀的演唱冠军,也曾是魁省省际歌唱比赛 “Jeune Diva du Quebec”的获奖者。在参加“加拿大偶像”比赛前,Eva Avila只是一个名不见经传的邮局职工和美容顾问,“加拿大偶像”使她摇身变成万人追捧的“新偶像”。其实她的歌路更偏前辈天后同是来自法语区的Celine Dion,很大气,不哀伤,不做作,绝对有天后的架势。



Song:I'm sorry
Artist:Eva Avila

If I could turn to you
You know I'm dying too
The light could turn today

But all,
The day just seems so long
So where did I go wrong
There's more I have to say

I made a a mistake
I'm human you know
What would it take
I know I've got no more chances Oh

I'm on my knees
I'm sorry
I wallowed in pains
I swallowed my pride
I swallowed the sea of tears
You cried for me
I'm sorry

Last night I was asleep
And you were next to me
I saw your tender smile

But oh,
I opened up my eyes
And didn't spell a lie
I felt my won heart breakin'

I made a a mistake
I'm human you know
What would it take
I know I've got no more chances Oh
I'm on my knees
I'm sorry

I wallowed in pains
I swallowed my pride
I swallowed the sea of tears
You cried for me
I'm sorry
Oh it's on my mind
1 million reasons why
I can't believe your love has pass me by

I made a a mistake
I'm human you know
What would it take
I know I've got no more chances Oh
I'm on my knees
I'm sorry, Oh

I wallowed in pains
I swallowed my pride
I swallowed the sea of tears
That you cried for me
I'm sorry

I'm sorry …





