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乡村音乐:Billy Ray Cyrus - He's mine

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歌曲He's Mine

艺人:Billy Ray Cyrus


所属专辑:Back To Tennessee



相关介绍:Billy Ray Cyrus是长久以来活跃在美国乡村音乐界的歌手。虽然其唱片在美国不算太受关注,但他有特点的嗓音和音乐中感情抒发方式仍然具有独特的魅力。近来Billy在全力支持女儿Miley Cyrus的演艺事业的同时,自己也再继续着他的音乐创作。这张Back To Tennessee是他在2009年发行的乡村音乐专辑,其中不仅收录了独具Billy风格的数首歌曲,翻唱迪士尼皮克斯大片《汽车总动员》中的"Real Gone",还包括了他和女儿共同出演的电影《Hannah Montana: The Movie》中两首原声歌曲"Back To Tennessee"以及"Butterfly Fly Away"。后者是一首悠扬悦耳的父女对唱歌曲,是电影原声中同名歌曲的加长版,实属不容错过的好歌。


Song:He's Mine
Artist:Billy Ray Cyrus

Old man knocked on my front door
With a teenage boy and a couple more from up the road
He had him by the collar
Said he caught him shootin'beer bottles
Down in the holler and somkin'
I said is that right
He said,they won't speak when spoken to
So which one here belongs to you
And I know one does
Cause they all started runnin' to your back forty
When they saw me comin' on my gator
I look in the eye

And I said, He's mine that one
Got a wild-hair side and them some
There's no surprise what He's done
He's ever last bit of my old man's son
If you knew me then
There 'd be no question in your mind
You'd know he's mine- yeah he is

Friday night the football games
I was livin' for the speakers
To call the name
On the back of number thirty-seven
Just one Forty-five
And five foot eleven - maybe

Limelight barely shined on hime
But everyone still remember when
He whooped up on that boy way bigger
For thinkin' that cheap shot our little kicker
And they threw him out
Man, you should've, you should've hear me shot

I yelled he's mine that one
Got a wild-hair side and then some
There's No surprise what he's done
He's every last last bit of my old man's son
And I'll take the blame
And claim him every time
Yeah man, he's mine and he'll always be
The best thing that ever happened to me
You can't turn it off like electricity
I will love him unconditionally
And I'll take the blame
And claim him every time
Yes, sir he's mine
Thank god , he's mine


重点单词   查看全部解释    
claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物

butterfly ['bʌtəflai]


n. 蝴蝶,蝶状物,蝶泳
vt. (烹饪时把鱼





