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民谣:Emmy The Great - City song

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歌曲City song

艺人:Emmy The Great


所属专辑:First Love



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相关介绍:这支年轻的新乐团之前参加了大大小小的音乐节,累计了相当多的人气和演唱经验,获得了不少歌迷的追捧。他们的歌非常的生活化,大多的题材都来自于日常生活中的点点细节,甚至是一些琐碎的小事,主打歌曲《First Love》,其实是从一本中长篇小说中获得的灵感,朴实的歌词总能发人深省。他们的音乐简单,大方,清扬的吉他,流畅的钢琴,优美的和声,让人眼前一亮;Moss细腻的声音,悠扬婉转,显得格外的纯真和可爱。


Song:City Song
Artist:Emmy The Great

The city called me so I came
It isn't mine to question what it said
I sleep until the point when I'm awake
I walk until there's nothing left to trek
And everyone is looking for an answer
And everyone is waiting for a break
I came and I was bored of it soon after
But I had nowhere to go and so I stayed
I dreamed a lifetime of this place
It seemed an awful thing to waste

Well the morning fills my mouth up with decay
I like it, it reminds me how you taste
Sometimes I feel you rising up behind me like the wind
But I still try to look away
What will you look like when you're old?
(What will you look like when you're old?)
What will I do if I don't know you?
(What will I do if I don't know you?)
I guess that I decided not to ask the day I took the road
Down to the city as it called
Sun making silhouettes of gauze
I don't remember you at all

The city called me and I came
It isn't mine to question why
Sometimes the clouds will rise ahead, I hear your name
It's like a choir in the sky
What will you look like when you're old?
(What will you look like when you're old?)
What will I do if I don't know you?
(What will I do if I don't know you?)
I guess that I decided not to know the day I took the road
Down to the city as it called
Sun making silhouettes of gauze
I don't remember you at all

They pulled a human from my waist
It had your mouth, it had your face
I would have kept it if I'd stayed.





