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音乐咖啡厅:Leona Lewis - The Essence Of Me

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歌曲:The Essence Of Me

艺人:Leona Lewis


所属专辑:I Am (Deluxe)



相关介绍:里欧娜的唯美歌喉,蕴含丰富底蕴的流行蓝调氛围,不时充满强劲力道的浑厚歌声,以歌曲带出人与人各种刻骨铭心的情感,是当今乐坛中无人能媲美的天后级歌手。加盟环球音乐,回归到单纯且真实的自我后,审视了自己出道十多年来,所累积的情感打造的最為深情的真切之作【I Am】。

Song:The Essence Of Me
Artist:Leona Lewis

Let me take these clothes off, throw them in the fire
Blowing hair in the wind, let spirit guide me
No limitations, it's a brand new day
It's a new horizon, this is who I am
This is what I want

Oh, I'm breaking free
I'm taking the leap
These borders are deep
I'm feeling, I'm feeling the essence of me
These mountains are steep
But there's no stopping me
I'm feeling, I'm feeling the essence of me
The essence of me, the essence of me
The essence of me, the essence

I've been everything you wanted me to be
Let you chip away at my self-esteem
Oh, you spoke so loud I couldn't hear myself
And all your runaway judgments no longer pin me down
You can't pin me down, they can't pin me down

Oh, I'm breaking free
I'm taking the leap
These borders are deep
I'm feeling, I'm feeling the essence of me
These mountains are steep
But there's no stopping me
I'm feeling, I'm feeling the essence of me
The essence of me, the essence of me
The essence of me, the essence

I'm standing in the flames
Still gotta overcome
Every little victory
Take 'em one by me
I'm waking up stronger
Putting all my love 'round one
Now it's on, bring it on, bring it on

Oh, I'm breaking free
I'm taking the leap
These borders are deep
But I'm feeling, I'm feeling the essence of me
These mountains are steep
But there's no stopping me
I'm feeling, I'm feeling the essence of me
The essence of me, the essence of me
The essence of me, the essence

Got nothing to fear but my own fears


重点单词   查看全部解释    
essence ['esns]


n. 本质,精髓,要素,香精

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说


关键字: 音乐 Pop




