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摇滚:Breaking Benjamin - Ashes Of Eden

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歌曲Ashes Of Eden

艺人:Breaking Benjamin


所属专辑Dark Before Dawn




相关介绍: 出道超过17年,歷经乐团无限期休团、多次团员更迭,甚至乐团间因利益分配问题闹上法院,种种打击重创了Breaking Benjamin的摇滚之路;然而,主唱Benjamin Burnley却从未放弃他的摇滚梦,也从未忘记他们以【Dear Agony】创下告示牌双料冠军的这项荣耀。

Song:Ashes Of Eden
Artist:Breaking Benjamin

Will the faithful be rewarded
When we come to the end
Will I miss the final warning
From the lie that I have lived
Is there anybody calling
I can see the soul within
And I am not worthy
I am not worthy of this
Are you with me after all
Why can't I hear you
Are you with me through it all
Then why can't I feel you
Stay with me don't let me go
Because there's nothing left at all
Stay with me don't let me go
Until the Ashes of Eden fall
Will the darkness fall upon me
When the air is growing thin
Will the light begin to pull me
To its everlasting will
I can hear the voices haunting
There is nothing left to fear
And I am still calling
I am still calling to you
Are you with me after all
Why can't I hear you
Are you with me through it all
Then why can't I feel you
Stay with me don't let me go
Because there's nothing left at all
Stay with me don't let me go
Until the Ashes of Eden fall
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Why can't I hear you
Stay with me don't let me go
Because there's nothing left at all
Stay with me don't let me go
Until the Ashes of Eden fall
Heaven above me take my hand
Shine until there's nothing left but you
Heaven above me take my hand
Shine until there's nothing left but you


重点单词   查看全部解释    
faithful ['feiθfəl]


adj. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的

agony ['ægəni]


n. 极度的痛苦,挣扎


关键字: 摇滚 Rock




